Can dogs eat Rosemary?

can dogs eat rosemaryCaution



Can dogs eat rosemary? Yes, rosemary is generally safe for dogs. But it is not recommended for pregnant dogs and dogs with seizure disorders as they may experience side effects. Feeding large amounts of rosemary is not recommended since this can result in liver and kidney issues.


  • Rosemary is packed with antioxidants that help boost the immune system and protect against cell damage.
  • Rosemary also has anti-inflammatory compounds and antimicrobial properties which help prevent infections and diseases.
  • Rosemary contains fiber that promotes gut health and enables a dog to better absorb micronutrients. It also prevents gastrointestinal infections, excessive gas, and other digestive issues.
  • Rosemary acts as a natural flea repellent.


  • Excessive consumption can cause an upset stomach, nerve system problems and lead to spasms and coma.
  • Ingesting large amounts of rosemary for a prolonged period can cause potential liver or kidney issues.
  • The oil in rosemary can cause skin redness and skin irritation.
  • Rosemary should not be given to pregnant dogs because the herb has an abortifacient effect.
  • Rosemary should not be given to dogs that suffer from a seizure disorder such as epilepsy.


  • Rosemary can be used as an ingredient in homemade dog treats.
  • Small amounts of fresh or dried rosemary can be sprinkled on your dog's food.
  • Rosemary supplements specially formulated for dogs are also available in tincture form. Follow the recommended proper dosage for your dog.
  • To make a fly repellent, steep a tablespoon of rosemary leaves in hot water for 10-15 minutes. When the water cools down, use it as a spray on your dog's bedding or on his coat.
  • Always get professional advice from a veterinarian before using a plant medicinally for your dog.

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