Can dogs eat Parsley?

can dogs eat parsleyCaution



Can dogs eat parsley? Yes, dogs can eat parsley because it promotes healthy digestive system and kidneys. However, avoid the spring parsley variety since it can harm dogs. It contains furanocoumarins that can cause poisoning when consumed in large amounts.


  • Parsley is a good source of vitamin C and antioxidants that boost immunity and prevent cell damage.
  • Parsley is rich in fiber which helps promote healthy digestion.
  • This herb also acts as a diuretic. It helps the body flush out fluids and toxins.
  • Parsley has antimicrobial properties that can freshen up your dog's breath.
  • Parsley has anti-inflammatory properties; it can benefit dogs with arthritis.


  • Whilst the curly-leaf variety of parsley is generally safe for dogs to eat, the spring parsley variety contains furanocoumarins which are toxic to dogs when consumed in large amounts. Contact with the plant can cause skin inflammation and dermatitis.


  • Chop up the curly parsley leaves and sprinkle them on top of your dog's food.
  • Blend about 1 teaspoon of parsley with water to make a juice you can pour into your dog's water bowl.
  • 1 teaspoon per 20 pounds of body weight is a good measure to follow.

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