Is Aloe Toxic to Dogs

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The Can Dogs Eat It Team

Is Aloe Toxic to Dogs
Reading Time: 6 minutes

joana garridoReviewed By Joana Garrido DVM

Is aloe toxic to dogs? Aloe is not completely toxic to dogs. Only one part of the plant contains harmful compounds that can cause mild to moderate poisoning in canines.

Aloe vera can be safely used for treating certain canine ailments as long as its toxic part is properly removed.

Continue reading to find out the dangers aloe vera poses to dogs and safe ways to use the plant.

What Makes Aloe Vera Plant Toxic to Dogs?

a spoon of aloe gel

The aloe vera leaves produce a yellow brownish latex, which separates the outer leaf coating and the gel. It contains poisonous compounds called anthraquinone glycosides. The most notable toxin in the plant is aloin.

It acts as a purgative, which gets metabolized in the digestive tract and stimulates mucus production and water in the large intestine. As a result, aloin causes vomiting and diarrhea in canines when ingested. Hence, oral use of aloe vera is not recommended for dogs.

Other associated symptoms of aloe vera poisoning include:

  • Anorexia
  • Bloated stomach
  • Depression
  • Lethargy
  • Loss of appetite
  • Stomach pain
  • Urine color changes

In rare cases, excessive consumption of aloe may lead to the manifestation of tremors.

Severe or prolonged vomiting and diarrhea may lead to extreme dehydration, which can be life-threatening when not immediately given medical treatment.

What Are the Other Dangers of the Aloe Vera Plant to Dogs?

spoon of aloe gel

Poisoning is not the only adverse effect of the aloe vera plant pawrents should worry about. Other potential risks it poses to dogs include:

1. Skin Irritation

Aloe vera can be used as a topical remedy for canine ailments. However, removing its latex is crucial.

Begin by applying a small amount of aloe vera on your dog’s skin to check for any adverse reactions. Wait a few minutes to ensure there are no issues before proceeding.

Its toxic components are skin irritants. Coming into contact with this part of the plant may cause itchiness and a burning sensation. Fortunately, these adverse effects are short-term and only last for a few minutes.

2. Carcinogenic Nature

The latex of the aloe vera plant exhibits carcinogenic activity. A study conducted on rats showed that ingesting this plant may lead to the formation of various types of tumors in different organs like the liver and stomach.

Currently, there is a lack of research about the carcinogenic effects of aloe vera sap on dogs. However, dog parents should be cautious and make sure their canine companions do not ingest the aloe plant’s latex.

Does the Aloe Vera Plant Have Therapeutic Benefits on Dogs?

aloe vera plant in a pot

While oral use of aloe vera on dogs is off the table, administering it topically is fine since this plant exhibits therapeutic properties such as:

1. Hastening Burn Wound Healing

In a 2014 study, experts found that aloe vera improved the healing rate of dogs with second-degree burns.

It is believed that the glycoprotein in the plant stimulated a faster healing process through cell proliferation, which is essential for wound repair.

2. Combatting Bacterial Infection

Several veterinary studies have been done to observe the antibacterial properties of aloe vera.

A 2020 in vitro experiment used aloe vera gel ointment to treat skin infections caused by the bacteria Staphylococcus aureus. Results show that it was able to suppress bacterial growth.

Moreover, aloe vera gel promoted inflammatory response modulation, which improved skin healing.

Researchers speculate that the plant’s antibacterial activity is brought on by certain compounds like p-coumaric, ascorbic, pyrocatechol, and cinnamic acid.

In a 2021 study, aloe vera 40% ointment caused faster skin healing and decreased inflammatory changes in dogs with staphylococcal pyoderma compared to traditional gentamicin 0.1% ointment treatment.

It can be used as an alternative herbal therapy for this skin condition without causing side effects associated with antibiotic treatment.

3. Getting Rid of Dog Ticks

A group of researchers conducted an in vitro experiment focusing on the acaricidal activity of certain herbal plants against the brown dog tick, Rhipicephalus sanguineus.

Aloe vera, garlic, and ginger were selected. Out of the three, aloe vera has the lowest antitick effect, but it is effective at a certain concentration.

According to results, at 1% concentration, aloe vera extract induced 20% mortality. 2.5% concentration caused 40% mortality, while 5% concentration boasted 100% mortality of ticks.

What to Do If Your Dog Ate an Aloe Vera Leaf?

aloe vera plant in a clay pot

Take note of any symptoms of poisoning if you suspect that your dog has eaten an aloe vera leaf. Mild vomiting and diarrhea tend to go away within a few days.

His upset stomach may benefit from fasting and a temporary transition to a bland diet. But contact a veterinarian first to ensure that these methods are appropriate and safe for your dog’s condition.

If his gastric symptoms continue to persevere or gradually worsen, bring him to an animal clinic ASAP. But first take a sample of the aloe vera plant with you and note the amount Fido has ingested.

How Is Aloe Vera Poisoning in Dogs Treated?

Toxin decontamination will be performed by a veterinarian through inducing vomiting and gastric lavage.

They may also administer activated charcoal. It has a binding action to the poisonous compounds, preventing them from getting absorbed by the body.

Intravenous fluid therapy will be given, especially if your dog has persistent vomiting and diarrhea. It provides him with proper hydration and stabilizes electrolyte and glucose levels.

Medications like antinausea drugs and gastric protectors will manage toxic symptoms and relieve pain.

Read: Are Snake Plants Toxic to Dogs?

How to Use Aloe Vera Topically on Dogs?

Aloe vera can be safely used on your dog’s skin provided that you remove its toxic latex. Here are easy steps on how to do it:

  1. Harvest some aloe vera leaves by cutting their base. Do not include the roots.
  2. Decontaminate the leaves from dust and dirt by rinsing them with clean water. Pat them to dry using a paper towel.
  3. Place the leaves in a bowl. Make sure that their base is facing downward to drain out the poisonous sap. Wait for 15 to 20 minutes to get rid of this part of the aloe.
  4. Wash the base of the leaves with water and dry it with a paper towel.
  5. Cut off the pointed top and spiny sides of the aloe leaves.
  6. Carefully slice away the leaves’ thin outer layer to extract its gel.
  7. Slice the aloe vera gel into small cubes.
  8. Rinse them with water 2 to 3 times to remove any residual latex.
  9. Blend the aloe vera gel in a blender until there are no clumps.
  10. Take a coin-size amount of it and apply it to the affected area of your dog’s skin.
  11. Store the remaining aloe vera gel in a mason jar and place it in the fridge.

FAQs About Aloe Vera for Dogs

1. What Part of Aloe Vera Is Toxic to Dogs?

The latex or sap is the only part of the aloe vera that is toxic to dogs. It contains purgative properties that induce digestive issues when ingested. Studies have also perceived the carcinogenic properties of the aloe’s sap.

2. What Happens If My Dog Eats Aloe?

If your dog eats aloe in small amounts, watch for signs of gastrointestinal distress in the form of vomiting and diarrhea.

Ingesting large quantities of this plant may trigger more serious side effects such as a distended tummy, abdominal pain, and depression. More severe adverse reactions to watch out for include tremors and acute dehydration.

3. Is Aloe Vera Toxic to Dogs’ Skin?

Aloe vera is not toxic to dogs’ skin, but it can cause contact dermatitis upon exposure to its sap. Affected dogs may experience itchiness and a burning sensation.

Before using aloe vera topically on your dog, make sure to remove its toxic sap to prevent skin irritation.

4. Is Aloe Vera Gel Toxic to Dogs?

Aloe vera gel is not toxic to dogs provided that it does not have residual toxic sap. Keep in mind that certain commercially sold aloe vera gels contain both gel and latex.

Always read the packaging or product description before buying. If it does not explicitly state that the aloe vera gel contains latex, reach out to the company for clarification.

Alternatively, you can make aloe vera gel at home to ensure that it does not have latex.


aloe vera leaves in a bowl

Is aloe toxic to dogs? Only a certain part of the aloe is considered toxic to dogs, which is the latex. It houses poisonous compounds like aloin that can induce stomach upset when eaten and contact dermatitis when touched.

Taking aloe vera orally is not advised, but it can be used topically to treat skin problems and injuries such as burns and pyoderma. The plant also has antitick properties.

Just make sure to thoroughly remove the aloe vera’s latex to prevent skin irritation upon use.

Some plants have beneficial properties for the health of dogs. However, they come with certain dangers when used inappropriately, which pawrents should know. Check our Plants section to know more about these types of plants.