Ear Mites in Dogs: Early Symptoms and Natural Remedies

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Ear Mites in Dogs: Early Symptoms and Natural Remedies
Reading Time: 7 minutes

joana garridoReviewed By Joana Garrido DVM

According to a study, ear mites are responsible for about 85% of ear inflammation in 50% of cases in dogs. Infestations of these parasites can lead to serious ear infections and eventually hearing loss if not given immediate attention.

Protect your dog from these health dangers by learning how ear mites operate and knowing how to curb their infestations using natural home remedies.

What Are Ear Mites in Dogs?

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Ear mites in dogs are nearly microscopic parasites that look like tiny white dots. They are scientifically known as Otodectes cynotis, and the infestation is known as Otodectic mange.

Compared to other types of mites, they do not burrow under the skin. Ear mites in dogs are commonly found in the ear canals and the surrounding skin. For these tiny parasites to thrive, they feed on the wax and oils in your dog’s ear canal.

Are Ear Mites Contagious in Dogs?

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Ear mites in dogs are contagious and can be easily passed from canine to canine. Generally, they are often passed from one animal to another through close physical contact.

Dogs living outdoors or housed with other pets like in shelters or pet boarding facilities are more susceptible to catching these parasites.

Aside from dogs, ear mites can infest other pets as well, such as ferrets, rabbits, and more commonly, cats. While transmission from different species is possible, experts observe this to be a more difficult process than same-species transmission.

What Are the Life Stages of Ear Mites in Dogs?

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Ear mites in dogs have a total of 5 life-cycle stages: egg, larvae, protonymps, deutonymphs, and adults. Let us find out how the entire process unfolds.

Stage 1

Ear mite eggs are laid on the surface of the ear canal. However, some female mites may travel outside the ear to lay their eggs on other parts of the body such as the pinna, head, face, neck, or rump.

Stage 2

It takes 4 days of incubation before the eggs hatch into ear mite larvae. For sustenance, they feed on the skin oils and ear wax of dogs for around a week.

Stage 3

Ear mite larvae have 2 nymph forms they molt into. First is protonymph, then the last is deutonymph.

Stage 4

Deutonymph ear mites in dogs will proceed to mate with adult males despite not developing their genders yet.

Stage 5

Once the mating is done, deutonymphs then molt into either an adult male or female ear mite in dogs. Females will be carrying eggs as a result of the mating, while males are set to mate with any available deutonymphs.

The complete life cycle of ear mites in dogs takes approximately 18 to 28 days.


Adult forms of these parasites can live for up to 2 months on the host animal. That being said, they are capable of surviving in environmental conditions for a shorter period, around 7 to 12 days

What Are Symptoms of Ear Mites in Dogs?

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Ear mites in dogs measure about 1 to 2 millimeters in length. They are nearly invisible to the naked eye. Thus, it is hard to spot them without a microscope.

For this reason, it would be easier to observe possible signs of ear mites in dogs than the presence of parasites themselves. Here are the tell-tale signs that your dog has ear mite infestation:

  • Crusty dark ear discharge resembling coffee grounds
  • Malodorous ears
  • Constantly shaking their head
  • Increased ear scratching
  • Inflamed ears
  • Hair loss near the affected area

Do not leave ear mites in dogs untreated as they can cause a deluge of serious ear problems to develop such as:

  • Internal or external ear damage
  • Ear hematoma
  • Secondary ear mite infections
  • Impaired hearing
  • Vestibular disorders

If you suspect that your dog has ear mites, take him to the veterinarian for examination. Certain ear problems such as bacterial and yeast ear infections exhibit similar symptoms to ear mites in dogs.

Various diagnostic tests will be carried out to find out the definitive causes of the symptoms.

For example, the veterinarian will likely check your dog’s ear canal using an otoscope. They may also collect a sample of his ear discharge and examine it under a microscope for ear mites.

What Are the Conventional Treatment for Ear Mites in Dogs?

Traditional ear mite treatment for dogs mainly revolves around keeping the ears clean and eliminating the parasites with topical medications.

Never skip cleaning your dog’s ears as it is essential for boosting the effectiveness of the medicine. Keeping your dog’s ear free from dirt and debris allows for easy and proper application of topical treatments.

In multipet households, the veterinarian may suggest other pets receive treatment as well to prevent ear mite re-infection.

2 Natural Home Remedies for Ear Mites in Dogs

Looking for safe ways to treat ear mites in dogs at home? We have 2 natural treatments you can try alongside conventional veterinary medications.

1. Neem Seed Oil as a Natural Home Remedy for Ear Mites in Dogs

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An in vitro study was made to investigate the effectiveness of neem seed oil against Otodectes cynotis.

Researchers discovered that it showcased potent acaricidal efficacy due to naturally occurring compounds like flavonoids, alkaloids, and saponins.


  • 3 cups dried mature neem seeds
  • 2 cups warm distilled water


  1. Use a mortar and pestle or a food processor to crush the dried neem seeds into powder.
  2. In a large bowl, combine the neem seed powder and warm water. Knead until a claylike mixture is formed.
  3. Take the mixture and place it in a cheesecloth. Firmly tie it close.
  4. In a small bowl, squeeze the cheesecloth with your hand tightly to extract the neem seed oil for ear mites in dogs.
  5. Mix 6 drops of neem seed oil with 20 drops of carrier oil of your choice.
  6. With clean hands, dip cotton into this home remedy and use it to remove the dirt in your dog’s ears.
  7. Apply the natural anti-ear mite treatment on him once every 3 days.

Additional information

  • The neem plant can be used as a flea, tick, and mite repellent for dogs.
  • It has antibacterial and antifungal compounds that help alleviate canine skin disorders.

2. Ozonated Olive Oil as a Natural Home Remedy for Ear Mites in Dogs

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Numerous studies have noted the efficacy of ozonated oils against various canine skin disorders because of their antimicrobial agents.

There is a lack of research on ozonated oil’s potency against dog ear mites. However, in a feline study, it was found that ozonated olive oil was able to suppress Otodectes cynotis infestation. This is a promising sign that it might work on ear mites in dogs too.



  1. In a double boiler, place the ozonated olive oil and dried green tea leaves.
  2. Stir until the two ingredients are combined thoroughly.
  3. Cover the double boiler and let the concoction simmer on low heat for 15 to 25 minutes.
  4. Use a fine mesh bag to strain the tea leaves from the oil.
  5. Transfer the home remedy for ear mites in dogs to a mason jar and freeze for up to 15 minutes.
  6. Take it out from the freezer and whip it until a frothy and creamy consistency is formed.
  7. Smear the cream on your dog’s ear mite-infested ear after ear cleaning sessions.
  8. Repeat the application of this natural dog ear mite treatment at least two times a day.

Additional information

  • Ozonated oils promote wound healing, soothe burns, and prevent skin infections in dogs.

How to Prevent Reinfestation of Ear Mites in Dogs

Here are some tips you can follow to shield your pup from ear mite infestation:

  • Do not skip getting your dog monthly tick and flea preventatives. These medications keep mites away too.
  • Clean your dog’s ears weekly with a vet-approved ear cleaner. Getting rid of dirt and debris makes his ears a less inviting home for ear mites.
  • Always inspect his ears once a week for ear mites. Do this by rubbing a black cloth on his external ears. If you spot moving white specks, it is a sign that your dog has dog ear mites.

FAQs About Ear Mites in Dogs

1. Can You See Ear Mites in Dogs?

You can see ear mites in dogs. However, due to their minute size, they can be easily mistaken as dust or dirt. These parasites appear as white dots to the human eye. However, their true form is more visible when examined under a microscope.

2. What Do Ear Mites Look Like in Dogs?

Female ear mites in dogs are slightly larger than their male counterparts. Their first two pairs of legs have suckers connected to short stalks. On the other hand, their third and fourth pairs of legs are adorned with long hair.

Male ear mites in dogs have suckers present in all four pairs of legs. The rear of their body has suckers that help attach themselves to a deutonymph when mating.

3. Can Ear Mites in Dogs Infect Humans?

Ear mites in dogs can infect humans, but it rarely happens. As we have said, the transmission of these parasites to different species is difficult. Humans infested with ear mites are found to suffer from rashes and itchiness.

4. What Causes Ear Mites in Dogs?

The most common cause of ear mites in dogs is exposure to infested canines.

Keep your dog from catching these parasites from other pooches by ensuring that he is routinely given flea and tick preventatives, which also work on ear mites. Weekly ear cleaning and examinations at home are also crucial.


ear mites in dogs 1Ear mites can wreak havoc on your dog’s hearing if not given treatment. Severe infestations may lead to secondary ear infections, deafness, loss of balance, falling, rolling over, abnormal flickering of the eyes and general wobbliness.

Ear mites become a bigger problem if you own multiple pets since these parasites are contagious. This condition should be addressed quickly to prevent the spread of infestation.

Using conventional medications together with natural home remedies like neem seed oil and ozone olive oil helps in eradicating ear mites in dogs.

Aside from these parasites, ear infections may also cause hearing impairments in your dog. Keep this illness under control by using these 3 Natural Dog Ear Infection Treatments.