Clean Dog Eye Discharge Naturally

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The Can Dogs Eat It Team

Clean Dog Eye Discharge Naturally
Reading Time: 8 minutes

joana garridoReviewed By Joana Garrido DVM

Dog eye discharge, varying based on its underlying cause, can be a transient or a chronic concern.

It’s beneficial for dog owners to understand the common causes of eye discharge in dogs and to learn effective, safe ways to clean it regularly.

5 Different Types of Dog Eye Discharge

Yorkshire Terrier with dog eye discharge

Dog eye discharge comes in various forms. Some of them are harmless, while others indicate the presence of an underlying health issue.

Learning about them will help you know when you should be concerned about your dog’s eye boogers.

1. Crusty Dog Eye Discharge

The tears of pooches have many beneficial functions that support their eye health. One of them is to remove debris from the eyes.

As a result, crusty dog eye discharge forms on the inner corner of your furry pal’s eyes. It usually appears during the mornings or anytime your furry pal wakes up from a deep sleep or a long nap.

Crusty eye discharge in dogs is normal and commonly does not require medical attention. However, if it becomes excessive and causes eye irritation, it should be checked by a veterinarian.

2. Watery Dog Eye Discharge

Medically known as epiphora, excessive watering of a dog’s eyes is a common symptom of allergies. But other health conditions can also trigger this type of dog eye discharge, such as:

  • Catching foreign material in the eye (e.g., dust)
  • Blocked tear ducts
  • Corneal ulcers or trauma
  • Exposure to irritants (e.g., smoke)
  • Glaucoma

Allergy-induced watery dog eye discharge causes slight discomfort but not pain. If your canine companion is experiencing the latter accompanied by reddened eyes, best to take him to the animal clinic for a checkup.

3. Whitish Grey Dog Eye Discharge

If your furry pal’s peepers are producing white mucus, it could be a result of an ocular disorder.

The most common causes of this dog eye discharge are conjunctivitis and keratoconjunctivitis sicca or KCS. Without proper veterinary intervention, both conditions can lead to blindness.

4. Reddish-Brown Dog Eye Discharge

Brown tear stains are very common in light-colored dogs. These canines produce this type of tear color because they contain a pigment named porphyrin. Upon exposure to air, this compound will change into a reddish brown color over time.

Reddish brown dog eye discharge is not a serious problem but a cosmetic concern. Dog owners will need to fastidiously carry out eye cleaning every day to avoid visible red stains on their white dog’s fur.

5. Yellow/Green Dog Eye Discharge

Eye infections often cause dogs to produce a yellow or green eye discharge.

Keep in mind that eye infections may occur because of an underlying problem, such as dry eye and corneal wounds. In some cases, systemic disorders are mistaken for eye infections.

Seek help from a veterinarian to accurately identify what caused yellow or green dog eye discharge.

What Breeds Are Prone to Dog Eye Discharge?

Chinook dog looking straight at you

  • Dog eye discharge is a common problem in brachycephalic breeds like Boxers and Pugs. Their facial conformation of having squished faces and big, round eyes makes them leak out more eye discharge than other pooches.
  • Dog breeds with buggy eyes, such as Chihuahuas, tend to suffer the same condition since they are usually born with compressed tear ducts and more exposed corneas, which are prone to corneal ulcers. It interferes with tear drainage, which results in excessive dog eye discharge.
  • Certain breeds of dogs are predisposed to blocked tear ducts like Poodles and Cocker Spaniels. Normally, tears are funneled from the eyes to the nose and back of the throat. If the ducts are blocked, it causes tears to spill out of the eyes.
  • Normal dog eye discharge happens to any pooch. However, it is more visible in white-furred dogs compared to pooches with colored coats.

What Is the Treatment for Dog Eye Discharge?

Treatment for eye boogers in dogs will depend on their main cause. For instance, topical antibiotics may be prescribed to dogs with eye infections.

For blocked tear ducts, the veterinarian may put affected dogs under anesthesia while inserting a special instrument into the duct to remove the fluids. Severe cases of eye disorders may require surgical procedures.

On the other hand, normal dog eye discharge only needs routine cleaning to keep your dog’s peepers clean and prevent eye infections.

When Is a Dog Eye Discharge an Emergency Case?

Face of Alaskan Klee Kai dog

As mentioned, dogs experiencing ocular pain, increased eye discharge, and eye irritation should be taken to the veterinarian immediately. The cause of these symptoms might be a serious underlying disease that needs prompt treatment.

Be sure to call the veterinarian if your dog also shows the following signs

  • Poor vision
  • Constant pawing of the eyes
  • Unable to open eyes
  • Red and inflamed eyes
  • Swollen eyes

Also, look out for symptoms of other canine ailments such as lethargy, sneezing, and runny nose.

3 All-Natural Homemade Dog Eye Discharge Cleaner

1. Saline Solution as a Natural Dog Eye Discharge Home Remedy

a spoon of salt

Saline solution is sometimes used in conjunction with conventional medicine to treat various types of eye problems such as conjunctivitis. It is also a common choice as a dog eye discharge cleaner.

Generally, saline solution only contains 0.9% salt, imitating the concentration in tears and blood. Thus, it is safe to use on dogs.


  • ½ teaspoon plain table salt
  • 8-ounce cup distilled lukewarm water


  1. Mix the table salt with warm water.
  2. Stir until the salt has fully dissolved.
  3. Dip a cotton ball in the dog eye discharge saline solution.
  4. Carefully start wiping from the inner corner of your dog’s eyes and work your way outward.
  5. Replace the cotton with a new one before working on the other eye.
  6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 until the dog eye discharge is completely removed.
  7. Use this home remedy twice a day.


  • Always switch used cotton balls with new ones when cleaning each eye. Never reuse them as it contributes to the spread of harmful bacteria from one eye to another.

2. Chamomile Tea as a Natural Dog Eye Discharge Home Remedy

chamomile flowers and tea bag

Chamomile tea is a suitable dog eye discharge remover due to its antiseptic properties. It also has anti-inflammatory compounds that help reduce inflammation and irritation around the eyes.


  • 1 chamomile tea bag
  • 2 cups boiled distilled water


  1. Place the teacup in boiling water and let it steep for 3 minutes.
  2. Wait for it to cool down completely before using it on your pooch.
  3. Gently press the chamomile tea bag against your dog’s eye with discharge.
  4. Make sure that its liquid dampens the eye booger on the corner of his peepers.
  5. Let the chamomile tea bag compress stay on his eyes for 5 minutes.
  6. Use clean cotton balls to remove dog eye discharge on both of your pet’s eyes.
  7. Repeat this home remedy 2 to 3 times a day.

Nutritional information

  • Chamomile contains essential oils that work as a canine mosquito repellent.
  • If taken internally, chamomile tea can aid in resolving gastrointestinal upset in dogs.


  • Do not use chamomile tea as eye drops to flush your furry pal’s eyes as it can cause irritation and worsen dog eye discharge.

3. Aloe Vera as a Natural Dog Eye Discharge Home Remedy

aloe vera gel

Aloe vera is popularly known as a skin inflammation soother. It also possesses antibacterial properties that minimize the risk of dog eye discharge from causing a proliferation of harmful microbes, which causes eye infections.



  1. Use a spatula to mix all ingredients in a medium-sized glass bowl.
  2. Stir thoroughly until they form a homogenous cream.
  3. Wet your dog’s eye discharge with a damp towel.
  4. Dip a moistened cotton ball in the aloe vera gel eye cream.
  5. Gently rub the cotton ball on the corner of your dog’s eyes to remove any discharge, taking care to avoid getting the cream in the dog’s eyes.
  6. Use this natural dog eye discharge cleaner twice a day.

Additional information

  • Aloe vera is a natural moisturizer with hydrating abilities that are beneficial for dogs with dry and flaky skin.
  • Aloe vera’s anti-inflammatory properties are also suitable for remedying sunburn, itchy skin, rashes, and other minor dermatological issues in canines.

FAQs About Dog Eye Discharge

1. Is Dog Eye Discharge Normal?

Certain types of dog eye discharge are normal. For instance, crusty eye boogers are wastes made up of dirt and debris removed from your dog’s peepers. Reddish brown discharge, which is highly common in white dogs, is a cosmetic problem.

However, other forms of dog eye discharge are symptoms of ocular issues and other health conditions.

2. Why Does My Dog Have Eye Discharge?

Some instances of dog eye discharge have harmless explanations. For instance, the exposure of porphyrin in dogs’ tears to the air can change their color, indicating a benign cause for the discharge.

In some cases, ailments cause canines to produce abnormal dog eye discharge. As mentioned earlier, eye problems such as dry eye and conjunctivitis are potential instigators. Other health issues like allergies are also potential causes.

If you are worried that Fido’s dog eye discharge is out of the ordinary, take him to the vet for a checkup.

3. How Long Does Dog Eye Discharge Last?

The duration of dog eye discharge will depend on its root cause and severity. Minor eye issues can take a few days or weeks to clear away, or maybe a chronic condition like KCS, a condition where the eyes don’t produce enough tears. Severe ocular disorders and abnormalities may take months or even years to resolve.

On the other hand, dog eye discharge considered as a cosmetic issue will occur throughout a pooch’s lifetime. Hence, it is a good idea to learn natural dog eye discharge cleaners for convenient daily use.

4. How to Clean Dog Eye Discharge Naturally?

You can clean dog eye discharge naturally using gentle and dog-safe home eye goop cleaners. As listed above, homemade saline solution, chamomile tea bag, or aloe vera cream are good choices.


a Chinook dog looking up

Dog eye discharge comes in different forms. Some are caused by harmless conditions while others are brought on by illnesses that need vet intervention.

Regardless of their main cause, eye boogers in dogs should be cleaned regularly to keep them from causing additional problems.

Natural dog eye discharge removers can be easily found in your kitchen and garden such as aloe vera, chamomile tea, and combining salt and water to create a saline solution.

Visit our Supplements section to gain more useful ideas on how to remedy various canine ailments using natural methods.