Unleashing the Truth: Can Dogs Eat Oregano Without Harm?

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The Can Dogs Eat It Team

Unleashing the Truth: Can Dogs Eat Oregano Without Harm?
Reading Time: 5 minutes

joana garridoReviewed By Joana Garrido DVM

“Can dogs eat oregano?” is a common question asked by cautious dog parents. Oregano is one of the herbs considered to be poisonous to canines.

However, this danger can be averted by knowing how to safely feed it to your furry friend.

What Are the Toxic Effects of Oregano on Dogs?

fresh oregano leaves on a rustic wooden surface

The ASPCA tags the oregano as a mildly poisonous herb to canines. Pooches may experience upset stomachs, vomiting, and diarrhea if they consume it.

However, due to the toxicity level of oregano, it will take large quantities for the herb to incite these side effects. Thus, feeding it to your dog in small amounts is unlikely to cause harm.

But what about oregano oil? When in its essential oil form, do not use it on dogs orally or topically unless diluted properly.

100% pure oregano essential oil contains high amounts of volatile chemicals, which can induce poisoning in canines.

Accidental essential oil ingestion or exposure may result in the following symptoms:

  • Skin irritation
  • Mouth and throat irritation
  • Hypersalivation
  • Coughing
  • Sneezing
  • Gagging
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea

In severe cases, more serious clinical signs like seizures, muscle weakness, liver damage, and kidney failure.

With this in mind, always store the oregano essential oil in a secure place to keep your dog from getting his paws on it.  If you plan to use it on him, be sure to dilute it properly to reduce toxicity risks.

Does Oregano Have Other Dangers to Dogs?

a woman with her dog in a garden full of plants

Another adverse effect oregano might induce in dogs is drug interaction.

The herb is known to affect the potency of certain medications like antidiabetic drugs, blood thinners, and anticoagulants copper, iron, and zinc supplements may interact with it as well.

If your dog is taking these medications and supplements, avoid adding oregano to his meals.

Some parents might be wondering: “Can dogs eat oregano if they are prescribed other drugs not mentioned above?” In this situation, it would be a good idea to seek the veterinarian’s opinion just to be safe.

Acquiring their advice will help give you peace of mind that your dog is not at risk of suffering from drug interactions.

Does Oregano Offer Any Health Benefits to Dogs?

a spoon with dried oregano resting on a wooden table

Nutrient-wise, the herb is a good source of vitamins A, C, and K as well as minerals like iron, manganese, and calcium. It has a handful of health perks in store for your canine companion, such as:

Enhancing His Immune Resistance to Ailments

Oregano is packed with antioxidants like rosmarinic acid, carvacrol, eugenol, and flavonoids such as thymol.

A 2015 study mentions of researchers who conducted two tests to determine the antioxidant levels of various herbs, including oregano. According to their findings, oregano showed the highest antioxidant levels on the second test.

The antioxidants in the herb scavenge and eliminate body-damaging free radicals in dogs. They also sport anti-inflammatory properties, which combat swelling caused by certain health conditions.

Helping Fight Off Ear Infections

Particular antioxidants in oregano, namely carvacrol and thymol, have bactericidal and antifungal properties.

Results in one study showed that out of three herbal essential oils, oregano has exhibited the most superior antifungal effect against Malassezia pachydermatis, a type of ear infection-causing yeast.

In a different research, nine essential oils were tested against bacteria and fungi collected from dogs with otitis externa, including:

  • Staphylococcus pseudointermedius
  • Aspergillus niger
  • Aspergillus fumigatus
  • Aspergillus terreus
  • Candida albicans
  • Candida tropicalis
  • Trichosporon sp.
  • Rhodotorula sp.

Researchers noted that oregano was one of the two essential oils with the most potent antibacterial activity. It was able to inhibit the growth of most bacteria and fungi.

The findings of these studies suggest that oregano in its essential oil form can be used as a natural remedy or alternative to conventional drugs for ear infections in canines.

Acting as a Dog Flea Deterrent

Oregano has a promising future in preventing tick infestations in canines.

A 2016 study observed the effects of carvacrol, eugenol, and thymol on the larvae of the brown dog tick (Rhipicephalus sanguineus). According to the results, these three compounds have synergistic effects on the larvae.

It is important to note that carvacrol, eugenol, and thymol are naturally occurring chemicals in oregano. This could mean the herb may also be effective in getting rid of brown dog tick larvae.

FAQs About “Can Dogs Eat Oregano?”

a bottle of oregano oil next to fresh oregano leaves

1. Can I Put Oil of Oregano in My Dog’s Ear?

If your dog’s ear is afflicted by an ear infection, you can try putting diluted oregano oil on it.

It has antibacterial and antifungal properties that can help inhibit the growth of microbes causing the infection and alleviate its symptoms.

2. Is Dried Oregano Safe for Dogs?

Dried oregano is safe for dogs to consume just like its fresh variety. There are negligible differences in nutritional value between the two.

So if you run out of fresh oregano, feeding your dog its fried form will do.

3. Can I Give Oregano to My Dog?

You can give your dog oregano, but in moderation. Keep in mind that allowing him to ingest it in large amounts may induce mild poisoning. Adding a small pinch of it to his dog food will do.

Take note that the herb can cause drug interactions. If your pooch is under medication, check with the veterinarian first before adding oregano to your furry pal’s diet.

4. What Are the Side Effects of Oregano for Dogs If Ingested in Large Amounts?

Ingesting oregano in large amounts may incite gastrointestinal upset in the form of vomiting and diarrhea in your dog.

Know that more serious symptoms may arise if he consumes or gets exposed to undiluted oregano essential oil. Some clinical signs include oral irritation, stomach upset, excessive drooling, gagging, and even seizures.


fresh oregano leaves on a white background

So, can dogs eat oregano? Although tagged as a mildly poisonous plant by the ASPCA, oregano is generally a harmless herb to dogs as long as it is consumed in moderation.

The herb offers immune system-boosting effects when eaten, while its essential oil form helps ease ear infections and shows potential in eliminating brown dog tick larvae when applied topically.

That being said, take note that oregano may interact with certain drugs. Thus, if your canine companion is currently taking any type of medication or supplements, consult with the veterinarian before feeding the herb to your dog.