Dog Dry Skin Dilemma: Why It Occurs and How to Treat It Naturally

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Dog Dry Skin Dilemma: Why It Occurs and How to Treat It  Naturally
Reading Time: 7 minutes

joana garridoReviewed By Joana Garrido DVM

Dog dry skin may seem like a minor dermatological problem. However, never disregard this skin issue as it is an indicator of an undiagnosed illness.

In this article, you will learn about the common causes of dog dry skin and also find out how you can treat it at home using canine-friendly natural remedies.

What Causes Dog Dry Skin?

a vet is checking on a dog's skinMany elements can cause dry, itchy skin in dogs, including environmental, health, and nutritional factors. Here is how they can affect your canine companion’s skin and coat health.

1. Accumulation of Undercoat

Dogs possess two types of fur: an outer coat with long, noticeable hairs and an undercoat with shorter, softer hairs. When regular brushing is neglected, debris such as dead cells, parasites, and loose hairs can accumulate in the undercoat, potentially resulting in dry skin issues.

2. Imbalanced Diet

Certain nutrients are crucial for preventing dog dry skin. For instance, protein and essential fatty acids like omega-3s promote better skin and coat quality in canines.

If your dog’s meals fail to provide them in adequate amounts, nutritional deficiencies may occur, which can lead him to develop skin problems such as dry skin.

3. Excessive Bathing

Washing your dog keeps him fresh and clean, but doing it too frequently strips off his skin’s natural moisture. Therefore, avoid bathing him too often to avert the risk of dog dry skin.

Ideally, dogs with fur should be bathed once every 3 or 4 weeks. The breed of dogs with little hair, on the other hand, can get away with weekly bathing since their lack of fur causes their skin to be excessively oily.

4. Low Humidity

Moisture is essential in keeping the skin tissues well-hydrated and protecting them from damage, contributing to dermatological issues.

Dry air resulting from a lack of humidity evaporates moisture from the outermost layers of your dog’s skin, making it dry and flaky.

5. Prolonged Sun Exposure

The sun emits damaging ultraviolet rays that have a drying effect on the skin of dogs and cause painful sunburns.

More than that, it can also become a convenient avenue for serious skin issues to develop such as actinic keratosis, which increases the risk of canine skin cancer.

6. Health Conditions

Some cases of dry skin hint that pooches might be suffering from an underlying health problem such as:

  • Allergies
  • Cushing’s disease
  • Ectoparasite infestation
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Mange
  • Seborrheic dermatitis
  • Skin infections
  • Canina atopic dermatitis

Additionally, dog breeds predisposed to certain skin conditions, such as Chinese Shar-Peis, Poodles, and Labrador Retrievers are more likely to suffer from dry skin.

Common Signs of Dog Dry Skin

Symptoms of dry skin may vary from dog to dog, but some of the most common signs you should look out for are:

  • Hair loss
  • Flaky skin
  • Dandruff
  • Scabbing
  • Inflamed skin
  • Open sores
  • Pustules

Dog dry skin can be mistaken for other skin problems due to the similarity of their symptoms. Seek a veterinarian’s help to diagnose your furry companion’s condition.

As mentioned, dog dry skin sometimes serves as a clinical sign of health problems. So expect the veterinarian to run various tests such as skin scraping and bloodwork to work out the leading cause of dog dry skin.

3 Natural Dog Dry Skin Home Remedies

1. Vitamin E Oil as a Natural Dog Dry Skin Remedy

3 bottles of vitamin e oil

Vitamin E has many purported health benefits, including UV ray protection. While there is a lack of dog-related studies about it, animal experiments that were carried out showed positive results.

One study states that the topical use of vitamin E on Guinea Pigs reduces UV-induced skin damage.

Furthermore, another research noted the ability of vitamin E to reduce certain side effects of UV exposure, such as skin irritation and swelling, when applied externally.

Thus, vitamin E oil can be a handy home treatment for dog dry skin resulting from excessive sunlight exposure.


  1. Purchase 100% pure and organic vitamin E oil for dog dry skin.
  2. Ensure the product is free from added ingredients except for carrier oil. It keeps the vitamin E oil from being too harsh on your dog’s skin. Coconut oil and argan oil are good moisturizing carrier oils.
  3. Choose the dl-alpha-tocopherol form of vitamin E, as it is gentler on your dog’s skin.
  4. Check the potency of the product. The higher the international units, the more effective the vitamin E oil is in resolving dog dry skin.
  5. Use your fingers to apply it on the affected area of your furry pal’s body.
  6. Gently massage the vitamin E oil on your dog’s dry skin until it is well-absorbed.
  7. Administer this home remedy twice a day.

Nutritional information

  • Oral use of vitamin E supports the immune system of canines since it prevents free radical damage.
  • Anecdotal evidence suggests that the intake of vitamin E aids in soothing symptoms caused by osteoarthritis in dogs.

2. Jojoba Oil as a Natural Dog Dry Skin Remedy

a bottle of jojoba oil and a bowl of jojobasJojoba oil is a popular ingredient in human cosmetic products because it functions as a humectant.

This means jojoba oil pulls water to the top layer of the skin to retain moisture. Applying it to dog dry skin helps increase hydration and prevents cracking and chafing.


  • 5 tablespoons jojoba oil
  • 8 tablespoons shea butter


  1. Combine all of the ingredients in a medium glass bowl.
  2. Stir gently until both of them are thoroughly mixed.
  3. Homemade jojoba-shea butter moisturizer works best when applied on damp skin. So give the affected area of your dog’s skin a quick wipedown before using it.
  4. Work the moisturizer into his skin in gentle circular massage-like motions.
  5. Use this natural home remedy for dog dry skin up to 3 times a day.

Nutritional information

  • Jojoba oil is rich in skin-nourishing nutrients for dogs, such as antioxidants, vitamin E, and fatty glycerides.


  • Low humidity can evaporate the water drawn out by jojoba oil, which can worsen dog dry skin. For this reason, mixing it with an occlusive compound like shea butter is needed to prevent moisture loss.

3. Slippery Elm as a Natural Dog Dry Skin Remedy

slippery elm leafAccording to research, slippery elm produces mucilage agents like uronic acids, monosaccharides, and methyl pentose that can retain water.

Hence, this herb can be used as a natural emollient for dog dry skin to provide extra moisturization and hydration.


  • 1 cup distilled water
  • 2 tablespoons organic slippery elm powder


  1. Add 2 tablespoons of slippery elm powder to a cup of distilled water.
  2. Cover the cup firmly and leave it at room temperature overnight. This will allow the herb to completely swell and expand.
  3. Apply the slippery elm poultice on your dog’s dry skin.
  4. Use this natural home treatment for dog dry skin at least once a day.

Nutritional information

  • The slippery elm’s mucilage can help remedy other canine skin ailments such as burns, minor wounds, and hotspots.
  • This herb is also used to treat various intestinal problems in dogs, such as diarrhea and colitis.

FAQs About Dog Dry Skin

1. Why Is My Dog’s Skin Dry and Flaky?

There are many possible reasons why your dog’s skin is dry and flaky, such as:

  • Imbalanced diet
  • Excessive bathing
  • Low humidity
  • Prolonged sun exposure
  • Health conditions

It can be challenging to diagnose the cause of dog dry skin without an expert’s help. So if your dog has developed this skin condition, reach out to the veterinarian. They will perform examinations that will reliably rule out potential causes.

2. What Foods Cause Dog Dry Skin?

Keep in mind that any food can cause food allergies in dogs, which trigger symptoms like dry skin. However, the most common food allergens for canines are:

Food allergies can develop in dogs at any time and any age. So always monitor your furry pal for allergy symptoms like hives, constant itching, vomiting, diarrhea, and ear infections.

3. How to Treat Dog Dry Skin?

Regularly grooming your pet aids in the distribution of their skin’s natural oils onto their coat, resulting in a healthy shine. Additionally, be mindful of the shampoo’s pH to ensure it matches your dog’s skin.

You can also treat dog dry skin at home using natural remedies that possess moisturizing and hydrating properties like vitamin E oil, jojoba oil, and slippery elm.

Treating dry skin in dogs also involves resolving its underlying cause. Otherwise, this skin condition may persist or recur over time. Work with a vet to help you achieve this goal.

4. Can I Rub Coconut Oil on My Dog’s Dry Skin?

coconut oil

Yes, you can rub coconut oil on your dog’s dry skin. It has a moisturizing effect on the skin because of its medium-chain fatty acids.

Aside from dog dry skin, coconut oil is also a useful remedy for cracked nose and paw pads as well as minor skin infections.


Dog dry skin can be a result of environmental, dietary, or health factors. You can alleviate this skin problem naturally using vitamin E oil, jojoba oil, or slippery elm. They boast moisturizing and hydrating properties that can bring back the vitality of your dog’s dry skin.

However, this is only one part of the solution. You should also get your dog checked by a vet to assess whether or not his dry skin is caused by an undiagnosed ailment. Treating it will prevent this dermatological issue from persisting.

Find more natural home treatments for skin disorders and other canine health problems in our Diet & Recipes section.

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