Can Dogs Have Olive Oil? The Pros and Cons To Seriously Consider

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Can Dogs Have Olive Oil? The Pros and Cons To Seriously Consider
Reading Time: 6 minutes

joana garridoReviewed By Joana Garrido DVM

Can dogs have olive oil? Dogs can have olive oil since it is rich in potent antioxidants and healthy fatty acids. However, pawrents should be careful about the amount of olive oil they give to their pets, as excessive ingestion can have unsavory results.

In this article, we will discuss the advantages of feeding Fido olive oil, the side effects you need to avoid, and the ideal dosage amount of this human food for dogs.

3 Health Benefits of Olive Oil for Dogs

Olives and Olive oil for dogs in separate bowls
There are a bunch of good reasons why dog owners should consider adding olive oil to their pet’s meals, such as:

1. Improves Protein Digestibility

Protein is one of the vital nutrients the canine body needs.

The essential amino acids making up proteins play an integral role in the development of muscle tissues and new skin cells in dogs. Moreover, proteins provide energy, strengthen the immune system, and help with hormone and enzyme function regulation.

Protein digestibility in your dog’s diet is important as it ensures better absorption of essential amino acids.

In a controlled study, researchers supplemented the diets of young, newly weaned puppies with two types of oil, namely virgin olive oil and sunflower oil.

By the end of the experiment, they noted that canines given olive oil had increased protein digestibility compared to dogs on sunflower oil supplementation.

2. Reduces The Risk of Developing Canine Diseases

The polyphenolic compounds found in olive oil have anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, anti-thrombotic, and anti-mutagenic capabilities.

Polyphenols act as antioxidants that limit free radical damage in the cells of dogs. As a result, oxidative stress, which is a contributor to the manifestation of diseases, is minimized.

Thus, adding olive oil to your dog’s meals helps prevent the development of various canine ailments, including cognitive disorders such as dementia and cardiovascular disease.

3. Enhances Hair and Coat Health

Olive oil is a good source of phenolic compounds, vitamin E, and omega-3 fatty acids. All of these nutrients aid in nourishing and moisturizing your dog’s skin and hair.

When applied topically, this human food has the potential to help resolve skin injuries. In a 2015 experiment, researchers used a mixture of olive oil, beeswax, and honey to hasten the healing of deep second-degree burns in dogs.

They stated in the study that the phenolic compounds of olive oil showed antibacterial activity. It could prevent the infection of burn wounds. Monounsaturated fats are also present in olive oil, which promotes the restoration of the skin’s permeability barrier.

Another literature mentioned the healing ability of olive oil too. Veterinarians moistened a dressing in ozonated olive oil and used it to cover a large surgical wound in a dog. After 35 days, the wound has healed completely.

2 Downsides of Feeding Olive Oil to Dogs

Olive oil being poured from bottle
Pet owners should set limits on how much olive oil is added to their dog’s foods. Otherwise, their furry pals might experience one or more of the following adverse effects:

1. Excessive Weight Gain

Olive oil is laden with calories; one tablespoon contains nearly 120 calories. Thus, it must be given to pets in moderation to keep them from becoming obese.

Packing too many pounds can be very debilitating to the health of dogs. Overweight dogs are more likely to develop serious health problems such as:

  • Diabetes
  • Arthritis
  • Cushing’s disease
  • Cardiac disorders
  • Hypertension

With this in mind, we do not recommend giving olive oil to overweight or obese dogs unless the veterinarian says otherwise.

2. Stomach Upset

Many dogs have a sensitive digestive system. If they consume olive oil in excessive quantities, gastrointestinal distress is highly likely to occur. It may come in the form of diarrhea or vomiting.

In some cases, chronic pancreatitis may occur. The pancreas is vital for fat digestibility in dogs but consuming high-fat foods like olive oil inordinately places undue stress on the organ.

This may cause crippling changes to your dog’s health, such as having less desire to eat, increased lethargy, and frequent bouts of vomiting, abdominal pains, and nausea.

How Much Olive Oil Can Dogs Have?

olive oil in a glass container
As mentioned above, only add small amounts of olive oil to your dog’s diet to prevent the occurrence of unwanted side effects.

The ideal recommended dosage is 1 teaspoon of olive oil per 20 pounds of body weight per meal. So, if your canine companion weighs 100 pounds, you can mix up to 5 teaspoons of olive oil into his meal portions.

Introduce new foods to your dog in their smallest dose to lower the risk of gastric upset. If he does not exhibit this side effect, slowly increase the amount day by day until you reach the recommended dosage.

The Best Form of Olive Oil For Dogs

olives and olive oil for dogs
Extra virgin olive oil is made through the cold pressing process. It extracts the oil from the olives without using heat, which helps retain the phenolic compounds and other nutrients found in the oil.

Another good thing about extra virgin olive oil is its low acidity. Thus, it has a better taste and consistency compared to its regular counterpart.

If you go for this variety of olive oil for dogs, keep in mind that it is more prone to spoilage if not stored appropriately. Constant exposure to light and heat easily changes its chemical composition, resulting in rancidity.

Make sure to buy extra virgin oil that’s stored in a dark glass bottle since this protects it from oxidation. Avoid products in clear plastic containers or transparent bottles. When not in use, store the extra virgin oil in a cool, dark place in your kitchen.

FAQs About Olive Oil for Dogs

olive oil in a jar for dogs

1. What Does Olive Oil Do for Dogs?

Olive oil has a handful of positive effects on your dog’s health when consumed in moderation.

Studies have shown that this human food promotes better protein digestibility, boosts the immune system, and hastens wound healing in dogs.

2. Can You Put Olive Oil on Dog Paws?

Yes, you can apply olive oil directly on dog paws for moisturization if they are dry and cracked.

Just make sure to use extra virgin olive oil as it has lower acidity and gentler on the skin due.

3. Is It OK to Put Olive Oil on Dog Food?

Yes, you can put olive oil on dog food but in small amounts. Excessive doses can cause health issues like obesity, stomach upset, and pancreatitis.

We suggest only using 1 teaspoon of olive oil per 20 pounds of body weight per meal. As with any new food, introduce olive oil in small amounts first before gradually increasing it each day to its full dosage.

4. How Often Can I Give My Dog Olive Oil?

Olive oil can be given to your dog on a daily or weekly basis, depending on his health status.

For instance, pooches prone to developing obesity are better off having olive oil in their meals weekly rather than daily.

It would be a good idea to talk with the veterinarian to determine the appropriate dosage for your dog.


olive oil in a bottle inside a a brown bag
Can dogs have olive oil? Our final answer is yes. Olive oil offers a bunch of health benefits to dogs, such as boosting their immune response and improving wound healing ability.

Dogs only need to consume a small amount of this human food to enjoy its health perks. Avoid overfeeding as it can potentially lead to obesity and pancreatitis.

Learn about other healthy varieties of edible oils that you can safely add to your pet’s diet in our Oils section.