Can dogs eat Pig heads?

can dogs eat pig headsYes



Can dogs eat pig heads? Yes, pig heads have nutritional benefits for dogs. They contain high levels of glycine, which is an amino acid that promotes optimal joint health in dogs. But they should not be a part of a dog’s regular diet because they are high in cholesterol.


  • Pig heads contain protein that supports healthy bones and muscles.
  • The gelatin in pig heads are high in amino acid glycine that promotes joint health in dogs.
  • Pig heads also contain potassium, calcium, and iron.


  • Pig heads are high in cholesterol and should not be part of a dog's regular diet.
  • Some dogs might be allergic to pork; if your dog has never had pork before, introduce this new food gradually.


  • If you can, always try to source meat and offal from organic or free-range livestock.
  • Some raw feeders give raw pig heads to their dogs, as they are.
  • To cook it, boil or roast the pig head until tender. Remove the bones and serve in moderation as an occasional treat.

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