Can dogs eat Fried chicken?

can dogs have fried chickenCaution



Dogs can eat fried chicken occasionally in small amounts. Do not feed the spicy variety as it can severely upset a dog's stomach. Debone the fried chicken completely before serving, as its bones can easily splinter when chewed, causing mouth and intestinal injuries.


  • Fried chicken is high in fat, salt, and seasoning, which can be harmful to dogs. Excessive consumption can cause many health issues, such as inflammation of the pancreas.
  • Spicy fried chicken can irritate a dog's digestive tract and cause stomach problems.
  • Fried chicken bones can injure a dog's mouth and esophagus. They may also cause choking and stomach obstruction.


  • Plain fried chicken should only be given to dogs occasionally and in small amounts to prevent health issues.
  • Avoid giving fried food to dogs with pancreatitis.

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