Can dogs eat Wax apples?

can dogs have wax appleYes



Yes, wax apples or Java apples are safe for dogs to eat, as they offer high amounts of antioxidants. However, some parts of the fruit and wax apple plant are off-limits to canines. The seeds, stems, and leaves of wax apples naturally produce toxins that can put dogs at risk of poisoning.


  • Wax apples have antioxidants that support the dog's immune system, help reduce inflammation and protect healthy cells from damage caused by free radicals.


  • Wax apples have 1-8 seeds; the seeds are poisonous to dogs.
  • An unknown amount of hydrocyanic acid is found in the roots, stems, and leaves of the wax apple plant.
  • Excessive consumption may cause inflammation of the throat, digestive issues, and more frequent urination.


  • The wax apple seeds should never be given to dogs.
  • Wax apple should be eaten ripe and fresh.
  • Give wax apple to your dog in moderation as an occasional treat.

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