Green Tripe for Dogs: Benefits, Risks, and Recipes

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The Can Dogs Eat It Team

Green Tripe for Dogs: Benefits, Risks, and Recipes
Reading Time: 6 minutes

Green tripe for dogs is one of the healthiest organ meats you can add to dog food. It is enriched with nutrients and other natural health-boosting compounds.

However, be thorough when choosing green tripe for your furry pal. Some varieties have undergone certain processes that greatly affect their nutritional profile.

Defining Green Tripe for Dogs

raw green tripe

Green tripe refers to the lining of the stomach of ruminating animals. It has 4 chambers that are responsible for breaking down amino acids, digestive enzymes, and gastric juices from ingested plants.

Green tripe is commonly found in:

  • Cows
  • Deer
  • Pigs
  • Sheep

As an organ meat, green tripe is considered a by-product. However, the truth is it packs more nutrients than muscle meat. Its raw form houses predigested plant matter that offers several health benefits to your pooch.

4 Health Benefits of Green Tripe for Dogs

a dog is eating
Why is green tripe good for dogs? Green tripe has high nutritional value and contains potent compounds good for canine gut health. Making it a part of their meals will provide them with the following health perks:

1. Green tripe for dogs supports a smooth digestive system.

The organ meat contains a probiotic called Lactobacillus acidophilus, which aids in maintaining a balanced gut microflora.

It helps in preventing the proliferation of harmful microorganisms in canine stomachs. This allows better digestive process and proper nutrient absorption.

The digestive enzymes found in green tripe for dogs are believed to support the purification of the blood. They also assist in getting rid of parasites, toxins, and fungi, allowing pooches to build stronger immunity against diseases.

2. Green tripe for dogs helps mitigate kidney disease.

Many dog owners curiously ask: “Is green tripe good for dogs with kidney disease?” The answer is yes.

Some dogs with kidney disease require a low phosphorus diet to hinder the progression of their illness. Since green tripe has low concentrations of phosphorus, it can be a safe protein option for them.

Moreover, water or moisture comprises 78% of this organ meat. This provides dogs with kidney disease extra hydration.

3. Green tripe for dogs promotes good dental health.

Green tripe has a chewy rubbery-like texture that can scrape off gunk from dogs’ teeth. This organ meat is beneficial for teething puppies as well. It massages their gums, which soothes pain caused by teething.

4. Green tripe for dogs entices finicky eaters.

The strong smell and taste of green tripe might be off-putting to many people. But our four-legged friends find these qualities very appealing.

Thus, it is great for dogs with fussy food preferences. Green tripe can be fed to pooches suffering from a limited sense of smell due to old age or a pre-existing health condition.

2 Downsides of Green Tripe for Dogs

Green tripe for dogs is loaded with goodness. But it can trigger undesirable side effects on your pooch if consumed carelessly and without limits. Here are some of the adverse reactions to look out for:

1. Green tripe for dogs can cause tummy troubles.

Can tripe cause diarrhea in dogs? Yes, eating green tripe in excess can cause an upset stomach, diarrhea, and loose stools in dogs.

This organ meat packs a hefty amount of unsaturated fats. While it is good for canine health, this makes the meat too rich for some pooches.

Due to these risks, feeding green tripe to puppies under 6 months of age is not recommended. Their sensitive digestive system cannot handle its fat content.

If you have an adult dog with stomach issues, talk to the vet first before adding green tripe to his meals.

2. Raw green tripe is vulnerable to bacterial contamination.

Giving raw pet food to dogs is often accompanied by warnings about exposure to harmful pathogens like salmonella. Coming into contact with these bacteria can cause food poisoning.

Healthy dogs are not susceptible to such danger, but young, elderly, and sickly pooches are. Keep in mind that these microorganisms are transmissible to humans too. Children, seniors, and immunocompromised individuals are the most vulnerable.

To keep the entire household safe from food poisoning, follow sanitation protocols when preparing raw tripe dog food.

This includes washing your hands before and after handling the meat. Cleaning and disinfecting all surfaces and items where the raw dog food has touched should be done too.

Recommended Serving of Green Tripe for Dogs

a dg sitting in front of a dog bowl
How much green tripe to feed a dog? Feeding green tripe to your dog should be done in moderation to avoid stomach problems. It is advised to offer 2–3% of his body weight.

So if your dog weighs 70 pound, feed him 1/4–2 pound of green tripe.

You might have wondered: “How often should I feed my dog green tripe?” Add green tripe to your dog’s meals no more than twice a week. Avoid feeding it to him daily as it can result in nutritional imbalance.

Selecting the Best Green Tripe for Dogs

a dog is about to get fedMost tripes sold in grocery stores are processed for human consumption. It means the meat has undergone cleaning and bleaching.

This process removes its digestive enzyme and other health-boosting properties. This explains why the tripe’s greenish hue turns into white.

Feed the healthiest form of green tripe to your dog, which is raw. Since it is unprocessed, the organ meat retains all of its nutrients and is packed with good enzymes.

Ideally, it must come from grass-fed animals to avoid acquiring a low-quality food product.

If raw tripe for dogs is not available in your area, opt for a frozen variety instead. Make sure to choose one with a noticeable green color. This ensures that the frozen green tripe for dogs is not bleached.

Other options you can go for are freeze-dried and canned forms of green tripe. However, they should be at the bottom of your list. Both are treated with heat to some degree. This dissolves the nutrients, lowering the green tripe for dogs’ benefits.

Sourcing Green Tripe for Dogs

a dog is eating

Avoid purchasing tripe from the grocery or health food stores. As we have said, they tend to undergo the cleaning and bleaching process, which significantly lowers their nutritional value.

Now you might be asking: “Where to buy raw green tripe for dogs?” There are several places where you can get green tripe for dogs, including:

  • Vet clinics in your area: Some of them sell frozen organ meats for dogs supplied by commercial manufacturers.
  • Local farms and butchers: By-products like raw green tripe do not have much use for them. So you can buy this organ meat from these places at an affordable price.
  • Pet supply shops and online retailers: They offer a wide variety of green tripe for dogs, from raw to freeze-dried. However, take time to check where the products are made.

Be sure they are sourced and manufactured in the USA. Products from other countries, such as China, tend to contain contaminants that can make your dog sick.

Homemade Green Tripe Dog Treats

1. Green Tripe Chew Sticks

What you need:


  1. Trim any unwanted fat in the green beef tripe.
  2. Rinse it in clean water to remove surface dirt.
  3. Use a knife to cut the meat into 1-inch-thick slices.
  4. Set the dehydrator’s temperature to 158 degrees Fahrenheit.
  5. Pop the green beef tripe slices inside for 14 hours.
  6. Allow the chew sticks to cool down completely before feeding them to your dog.


  • If you do not have a dehydrator, use an oven. Use the lowest setting available and leave the meat inside for 5–6 hours.

2. No-Cook Green Tripe Chews

What you need:


  1. Place all of the ingredients in a food processor. Blend until everything is properly combined.
  2. Transfer the mixture to a silicone mold of your choice.
  3. Put it in the fridge for 4–5 hours or until frozen. Then feed the chews to your dog as treats.