3 Natural Remedies for Soothing Puppy Teething Pains

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3 Natural Remedies for Soothing Puppy Teething Pains
Reading Time: 7 minutes

joana garridoReviewed By Joana Garrido DVM

All dogs go through puppy teething, which is often a painful process. Embark on a journey to ease your puppy’s teething troubles! This essential guide delves into the natural rhythms of puppy teething, offering insights on its timing and innovative home remedies to comfort your little one during this challenging phase.

Puppy Teething Timeline

Border Terrier puppy teething biting a finger
Puppies begin teething as early as 2 weeks of age. They grow up to 28 baby teeth, also known as deciduous teeth. Eventually, all of their baby chompers will fall out and get replaced by 42 adult teeth.

To keep good track of puppy teething, here is a short and simple timeline of the entire process:

Puppy Teething Stage 1: Birth to Week 2

Puppies have no teeth at this age, but both baby and adult teeth are slowly forming in their jaws.

Puppy Teething Stage 2: Weeks 2 to 6

Baby teeth start to grow. The incisors are the first to come in around 2 to 3 weeks and then followed by the canines at about 4 weeks. Lastly, the premolars emerge when puppies reach approximately 3 to 6 weeks of age.

Puppy Teething Stage 3: Weeks 6 to 8

All of the 28 deciduous teeth in puppies should have erupted by now. At 8 weeks, the permanent teeth will start pushing out the baby teeth.

During this time, the bodies of puppies naturally absorb the deciduous teeth’s roots. As a result, the baby teeth fall out.

Puppy Teething Stage 4: Weeks 12 to 16

Border Collie puppy teething biting a finger
Permanent dog teeth begin to appear and slowly replace the baby teeth. Incisors are the first to erupt followed by the canines, premolars, and molars.

Puppy Teething Stage 5: Months 6 to 7

Puppies 6 months of age and above have permanent dog teeth completely grown in. It should comprise of:

  • 12 incisors
  • 4 canines
  • 16 premolars
  • 10 molars

Large and giant dog breeds usually erupt adult teeth earlier than their small breeds. Hence, they tend to finish the puppy teething process faster than small dog breeds.

What Are the Common Symptoms of Puppy Teething?

golden retriever puppy suffering from puppy teething
Puppy teething is a painful process to go through. Young dogs that are growing permanent teeth will show the following signs:

  • Missing teeth
  • Mild bleeding of the gums
  • Sore gums
  • Red and inflamed gums
  • Excessive drooling
  • Increased biting or nipping
  • Increased vocalization
  • Low fever
  • Decreased appetite
  • Prone to irritable mood

Unlike human babies, puppies experience teething twice in their lifetime. They start teething around 3 to 6 weeks of age and again around 4 to 6 months of age when their adult teeth start coming in, resulting in two teething phases in their lifetime. Due to the uncomfortable and painful symptoms brought on by puppy teething, pet parents must do their best to provide relief to their canine companions.

Natural Home Remedies for Puppy Teething Pains

Here are 3 simple ways to minimize puppy teething pains at home using home remedies:

1. Frozen Vegetables as a Natural Remedy for Puppy Teething

Border Collie puppy chewing on dog toy to ease puppy teethingPuppy chewing becomes a frequent habit during teething. Your canine companion may attempt to munch on just about anything to reduce the irritation in his gums.

Making edible teething sticks and teething toys for puppies will help reduce this behavioral issue. All you need is to freeze puppy-safe vegetables, preferably long ones such as carrots for easier chewing.


  • 1 whole large carrot


  1. Wash the carrot thoroughly with clean water.
  2. Trim off the top and ends of the carrot.
  3. Cut the vegetable at least 2 inches thick lengthwise.
  4. Arrange these teething dog chews in a container and place them in the fridge for an hour.
  5. Take the frozen carrot slices out, then offer them to your teething puppy to enjoy.

Nutritional information

  • Carrots provide ample amounts of fiber, which is essential for good digestive health and normal bowel movements in dogs.
  • Carrots house high concentrations of vitamin A, which improves the eyesight of canines.


  • Always supervise your pup when he is chewing on these homemade puppy teething sticks to avert the risk of accidental choking.
  • If the sliced carrots are too hard for your puppy, let them thaw at room temperature for around 15 to 20 minutes.
  • Never offer extremely frozen carrots because munching on them too hard can easily fracture the fragile teeth of puppies.

2. Homemade Puppy Teething Biscuits as a Natural Remedy for Puppy Teething

Biscuits for puppy teething pain

Puppy teething biscuits have a dry and tough texture, which helps massage the sore gums of teething pups. Follow this recipe to create a bunch of them at home anytime your pooch needs it.



  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.
  2. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
  3. Using a food processor, blend all the ingredients until a dense dough is formed.
  4. Add in more coconut oil if the dough is too dry.
  5. On a lightly floured surface, roll out the dough to 1-inch thickness.
  6. Use your choice of cookie cutter to cut out shapes from the flattened dough.
  7. Place them on the lined baking sheet and bake for 15 minutes.
  8. Flip the puppy teething biscuits to the other side and bake for another 15 minutes.
  9. Allow them to cool down completely before serving them to your pup.


  • Cover leftover puppy teething biscuits with plastic wrap and store them in an airtight container before placing them in the fridge. It will help retain their hardness.

3. Herbal Cold Compress as a Natural Remedy for Puppy Teething

frozen homemade chew sticks to ease puppy teething
Wetting a clean cloth and sticking it in a freezer creates a DIY cold compress to soothe puppy teething. Moreover, you can mix anti-inflammatory herbs into the dipping water for additional pain relief.


  • 5 cups distilled water
  • 3 tablespoons turmeric powder
  • 5 tablespoons dried or fresh chamomile flowers
  • 5 tablespoons dried or fresh green tea


  1. In a large pot, bring 5 cups of water to a boil.
  2. Turn down the heat and add the turmeric powder, chamomile flowers, and green tea.
  3. Let it simmer for 10 to 15 minutes.
  4. Remove the pain-relieving herbal concoction for puppy teething from the heat. Pour it into a large bowl.
  5. Wait for the water to cool down completely before dipping in the entire cloth for 5 minutes.
  6. Twist the cloth into a rope-like shape similar to a rope dog toy.
  7. Place it in the freezer for 30 minutes to an hour.
  8. Give this DIY pain-relieving chew toy to your teething puppy.


  • Always check the hardness of the puppy teething chew toy. It should not be overly tough since it may damage his teeth. Be sure to let it slightly thaw and soften before using it on Fido.

When to Be Concerned About Puppy Teething

Sometimes puppy teething can go wrong and needs a veterinarian’s attention. Look for signs like excessive bleeding of the gums, abnormal gum swelling, and bad breath.

Certain dog breeds, particularly small and brachycephalic ones like Yorkshires and Poodles, often retain baby teeth when their permanent teeth emerge. This dental issue, known as persistent deciduous teeth, requires surgical removal. Failure to remove these retained baby teeth can lead to increased debris accumulation, raising the risk of infections for the dog, it can host several oral problems such as:

  • Misaligned teeth
  • Gingivitis
  • Periodontitis
  • Teeth fractures
  • Unusual jaw development

Bring your puppy to an animal clinic if you have observed abnormal development in his growing teeth.

In the case of persistent deciduous teeth, the veterinarian might schedule a teeth removal on the same day as your puppy’s spay or neutering procedure.

FAQs About Puppy Teething

Springer Spaniel puppies petted by children

1. When Do Puppies Lose Their Baby Teeth?

Puppies usually start losing their baby teeth at around 8 weeks old. The roots of their baby teeth get absorbed by their body, leading them to fall out.

2. Do Puppies Swallow Their Baby Teeth?

More often than not, most puppies swallow their baby teeth. Since the size of deciduous teeth is quite small, they will not cause any harm. In rare cases, baby teeth fall out on the floor.

3. How Long Does Puppy Teething Last?

Puppy teething can last for up to 6 or 7 months. Large dog breeds grow permanent teeth earlier than small dog breeds. So they are more likely to finish the process sooner.

4. When Is Puppy Teething the Worst?

Puppy teething is commonly at its worst starting from week 12, during the eruption of permanent teeth. It would be best for pet owners to stock up on puppy teething home remedies around this time.


Kooikerhondje puppy biting on two fingers to ease puppy teething pain
Although a normal part of growing up, puppy teething is an unpleasant experience for many pooches.

To mitigate future dental problems, it’s crucial to introduce oral hygiene practices early. Starting with regular tooth brushing when the dog is young helps them acclimate to the process. This preventative measure significantly reduces the risk of periodontal issues such as tartar, gingivitis, halitosis, and dental abscesses.

Despite the discomfort caused by erupting teeth, there are ways to alleviate the pain. Dog parents can employ home remedies like frozen carrot chewsticks, homemade puppy teething biscuits, and herbal cold compresses. These natural remedies provide comfort and relief during the teething phase.

For more holistic solutions to various health concerns in dogs, be sure to explore our Supplements section. Discover a range of natural remedies designed to enhance your dog’s well-being.

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