Can dogs eat Liver?

can dogs eat liverYes



Yes. Liver provides nutrients that support nerve function and organ regulation. However, it’s high in vitamin A, which can result in liver damage if consumed excessively. Raw liver poses health risks due to possible bacterial and parasitic contamination.


  • Liver is rich in protein from various animal sources. Beef liver, chicken liver, pork liver, and goose liver are packed with vitamins and minerals that give canines a health boost. It contains high levels of vitamin A, which supports healthy vision, immune function, skin and coat health, and reproductive health.
  • The vitamin B in liver promotes healthy energy metabolism, optimal nervous system function, and efficient red blood cell production.
  • Liver is a rich source of iron, copper, phosphorous, and zinc, which help regulate various organ functions and biochemical processes in the body.


  • Excessive consumption of liver can cause vitamin A toxicity or hypervitaminosis in dogs. Excess vitamin A is stored in the fat tissues and accumulate over time. If left unchecked, it can lead to liver damage.
  • Although raw liver is a common component of raw diets for canines, it comes with risks in the form of bacterial contamination and nutritional imbalance. Depending on the source, raw liver can potentially harbor harmful bacteria, such as Salmonella, E.coli, or Campylobacter. It can also contain parasites that cause liver flukes.


  • Purchase liver from reputable sources of organ meat to ensure that it's taken from healthy livestock.
  • Cook the liver without added oils or seasoning. It's recommended to start with a small amount of liver to prevent digestive upset.
  • Raw feeders can add raw liver to a well-balanced raw food diet for dogs. Liver, just like other organ meats, should not make up more than 10% of a dog's total calorie intake.

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