Can dogs eat Lamb scalp?

can dogs eat lamb scalpYes



Can dogs eat lamb scalp? Yes, lamb scalp contains a protein called collagen, which is nourishing to dogs’ skin and coat. Lamb scalp with fur contains fiber, which promotes a healthy gut. Chewing on lamb scalp exercises dogs’ jaw muscles and provides them with mental and physical stimulation.


  • Lamb scalp is a natural healthy treat for dogs. It is rich in collagen protein that is important for keeping their skin and coat healthy.
  • Lamb scalp does not smell as pungent as beef scalps. It is also a good alternative for dogs sensitive to other common proteins like chicken and beef.
  • You can also get lamb head skins as dog treats, The fur on the skin is a good fiber source, which helps clean the dog's gut.
  • Chewing on lamb scalp also helps clean your dog's teeth and gums. It also exercises the jaw muscles.


  • Lamb scalp dog treats might cause choking as some dogs have a tendency to gulp down food without chewing.


  • Dried lamb scalp can be given to dogs occasionally as a treat. It comes in different sizes, so choose the one that's appropriate for your dog's size.
  • It's recommended to buy lamb scalp from a reliable supplier. Lamb scalp from organic, or free-range animals is the best option.
  • Chose air-dried lamb scalp dog treats that have no flavorings, preservatives, or chemical additives that are harmful to dogs.
  • Limit the chewing for 10-15 minutes to prevent bruising in the mouth.

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