Can dogs have Soy milk?

can dogs have soy milkCaution



Yes, soy milk is safe for dogs to drink as it helps lower their cholesterol levels and keeps their hearts healthy. There are many varieties of soy milk, but only share unsweetened and xylitol-free soy milk with dogs.


  • Dogs need nine essential amino acids for their body and organs to function properly. These nutrients can be found in soy milk.
  • Soy milk contains a protein called isoflavones. It is thought to lower cholesterol levels and hinder estrogen-sensitive cancers in dogs.
  • Another health benefit soy milk offers is urinary problem prevention.
  • Soy milk is a good alternative to dairy products since it is lactose-free. Thus, it is suitable for dogs with dairy sensitivities and lactose intolerance.


  • Some dogs are allergic and sensitive to soy, although this is very rare.
  • A few studies show that soybeans are linked to dog bloat.
  • Excessive consumption of soy milk can cause loose stools and flatulence in dogs.


  • Unsweetened and xylitol-free soy milk is okay for dogs to have as a treat once in a while in moderation.
  • It's best to choose organic soy milk to avoid soy milk made with genetically modified soybeans.

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