Can dogs eat Dough?

can dogs eat doughNo



No. When a dog ingests dough, the yeast begins to grow and multiply in their warm, moist intestines. This can lead to severe abdominal pain, bloating, and vomiting. The yeast in dough can produce toxins that are absorbed into the bloodstream and can be life-threatening.


  • Dough is considered a food hazard for dogs. Raw dough with yeast like pizza or bread dough is particularly dangerous for dogs when ingested. The yeast expands in dogs' stomachs which can cause bloating and other digestive issues.
  • The yeast and sugar in the uncooked dough can ferment in the stomach, producing alcohol. When alcohol is absorbed into the bloodstream, it's toxic to dogs.
  • Dough without yeast can cause stomach upset and other digestive problems if ingested.

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