Can dogs have Blackstrap molasses?

can dogs have blackstrap molassesCaution



Yes, blackstrap molasses is a good source of calcium, iron, and zinc for dogs. However, make sure to restrict your dog's consumption. Blackstrap molasses may be low in sugar, but excessive consumption can spike glucose levels in dogs.


  • Blackstrap molasses is thicker, darker, and more concentrated than regular molasses. It's equivalent to the British black treacle in nutrient and flavor profile.
  • Blackstrap molasses has the lowest sugar content among sugar cane products. Unlike refined sugar, which has zero nutritional value, blackstrap molasses is packed with nutrients.
  • Blackstrap molasses is rich in iron, which helps prevent anemia in dogs.
  • It also contains magnesium, calcium, manganese, copper, and zinc, which are essential minerals that regulate various body functions.
  • Blackstrap molasses has an ingredient called Wulzen Factior, which helps treat arthritis.


  • Excessive consumption of blackstrap molasses can cause a spike in blood glucose and insulin levels. It's not suitable for diabetic dogs.
  • When consumed in large amounts, blackstrap molasses might cause digestive issues in dogs, such as diarrhea.


  • In small amounts, blackstrap molasses can be used as a natural sweetener in making dog treats.

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