Is Eucalyptus Safe for Dogs

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The Can Dogs Eat It Team

Is Eucalyptus Safe for Dogs
Reading Time: 6 minutes

joana garridoReviewed By Joana Garrido DVM

Is eucalyptus safe for dogs? While eucalyptus has presumed medicinal properties, it is not considered safe for dogs. This plant contains poisonous compounds that can make your dog suffer from stomach problems and in the worst case, seizures.

Let us take a look into the dangers eucalyptus poses to dogs to understand why you should keep this plant away from your canine companion.

What Are the Beneficial Uses of Eucalyptus to Humans?

eucalyptus stem with leaves
Initially native to Australia, the eucalyptus tree has grown popular throughout the years and can be found in other parts of the world.

Its fame is largely attributed to its purported medicinal properties. Eucalyptus has been used in ancient medicine due to its anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial powers.

The plant is said to remedy certain ailments in humans such as:

  • Colds
  • Respiratory issues
  • Joint pains
  • Bad breath
  • Fungal infections

Diffusing eucalyptus oil around stressed or anxious individuals is reported to help promote relaxation.

Eucalyptus also serves as a disinfectant and deodorizer. Hence, it is a common ingredient in many cosmetic and household products such as cleaners, mouthwash, facial cleansers, and air fresheners.

Are the Health Benefits of Eucalyptus Applicable to Dogs?

eucalyptus branch with leaves
While eucalyptus offers several beneficial properties to humans, it does not have clear benefits to dogs.

But some studies observed that many plants in the eucalyptus genus including the lemon eucalyptus have exhibited repellent activity against mosquitoes.

There is also some evidence that the eucalyptus in its oil form is effective in warding off other ectoparasites such as lice, fleas, and ticks.

These results suggest that the plant’s insect-repelling activity could aid in preventing the spread of ectoparasite diseases such as heartworms, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, and Bartonellosis.

However, despite these positive findings, we do not recommend using eucalyptus on dogs. Exposure to this plant can cause disastrous side effects on canines that outweigh the health benefits it provides.

What Are the Dangers of Using Eucalyptus on Dogs?

2 bottles of eucalyptus oil and eucalyptus leaves
The eucalyptus plant has naturally occurring harmful compounds that may potentially cause undesirable adverse reactions like:

1. Eucalyptus Toxicity

The bark and leaves of the eucalyptus plant pose dangers of poisoning due to the presence of toxic substances like eucalyptol and cyanogenic glycosides. Its essential oil is highly concentrated with these compounds, making it more potent and toxic.

Although reports of the plant causing poisoning in dogs are scarce, there are numerous reports of eucalyptus poisoning in children, adult humans and rats.

Hence, the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) deems eucalyptus a poisonous plant for canines. It can cause nasty side effects like:

  • Depression
  • Diarrhea
  • Hypersalivation
  • Vomiting

In large doses, serious life-threatening toxicity symptoms may begin to appear in dogs. These include low blood pressure, seizures, labored breathing, and abnormal heart rate.

The most common cause of eucalyptus poisoning is ingestion. However, take note that dogs can absorb the plant’s toxic compounds through their skin and by inhalation.

Thus, topical application of eucalyptus essential oils is not advised on dogs. The same thing applies to diffusing it around them. The oils may land on their skin, which may get absorbed by their body or ingested when grooming.

2. Skin Irritation

Coming into contact with the leaves, bark, or essential oil of the eucalyptus plant can trigger contact dermatitis in dogs. It causes skin inflammation, irritation, and a painful burning sensation.

If you have a eucalyptus in the garden, make sure to block it off with a high fence to keep your furry pal out. Additionally, do not diffuse eucalyptus essential oil around him.

Why Do Some Pet Products Contain Eucalyptus Essential Oil?

eucalyptus leaves
The toxic risk of eucalyptus essential oil does not stop pet companies from using it in their products. They are capitalizing on its supposed antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and insect-repellent properties.

Eucalyptus essential oil has become a common ingredient in pet wipes, dog shampoos, and natural anti-flea and tick products.

Be warned that its fatal dose to dogs is yet to be determined by experts. This makes it easier to get safe formulations for eucalyptus essential oil wrong than right, greatly increasing the risk of poisoning in dogs.

Pet owners should also take into account the lack of stringent regulations in the manufacturing process of some pet products.

Inadequate quality control checks will likely fail to spot high concentrations of eucalyptus essential oil, which makes the products unsafe to use.

Hence, extreme caution should be observed when shopping for Fido. Steer clear from pet products containing essential oils that are toxic to dogs like eucalyptus.

What to Do If My Dog Has Eucalyptus Toxicity?

Collect the necessary information relevant to your dog’s poisoning. Identify what form of eucalyptus he has been exposed to. If it is the plant, take a plant material sample as it will help determine the species of eucalyptus causing the problem.

If you suspect that eucalyptus essential oil is the cause of toxicity, bring the bottle and its packaging with you. It provides vital information about the potency of the product and other potentially toxic ingredients.

Do not forget to note down the estimated time of your dog’s ingestion or exposure to the eucalyptus. Also, check the approximate amount ingested, inhaled, or topically absorbed.

How Is Eucalyptus Poisoning in Dogs Treated?

eucalyptus oil bottles
Usually, when a dog suffers from poisoning, the veterinarian induces vomiting to get rid of the toxin in the stomach. However, due to the caustic properties of eucalyptus, performing this treatment method is not advised.

Instead, gastric lavage will be carried out under general anesthesia to remove most of the poison. Then activated charcoal will be administered, which binds to the toxic compounds and prevents them from becoming absorbed into your dog’s system.

To prevent dehydration, acute kidney injury and electrolyte imbalance, the veterinarian will provide your dog with intravenous fluids. Laxatives and stimulants will be prescribed to aid in flushing out remaining toxins in the body.

If eucalyptus is causing skin irritation, the affected areas will be thoroughly washed to alleviate dermal issues. Medications like antihistamines and pain relievers will be given to minimize itchiness, pain, or puffiness of the skin.

Read: The Ultimate Guide to Dog-Safe Essential Oils

FAQs About Dangers of Eucalyptus to Dogs

1. Can I Have Eucalyptus in My House with a Dog?

We discourage having eucalyptus in your house with a dog since the plant is considered poisonous to him.

If dogs ingest eucalyptus in small amounts, gastrointestinal issues and depression may occur. Excessive consumption will incite more serious adverse reactions like seizures and breathing difficulties.

Skin contact with the plant should be prevented too. Otherwise, your pooch may end up experiencing contact dermatitis.

2. Is Dried Eucalyptus Safe for Dogs?

There is a lack of information about the safety of dried eucalyptus for dogs. Hence, dog owners need to err on the side of caution. Do not let your canine companion ingest or come into contact with dried eucalyptus.

3. Is It OK for Dogs to Smell Eucalyptus?

Opinions are divided about whether or not it is okay for dogs to smell eucalyptus.

Some proponents of eucalyptus essential oil consider it safe to diffuse around dogs as long as properly diluted. On the other hand, critics believe that diluting it does not completely remove the danger of intoxication when diffused.

Due to conflicting information, it would be safer to avoid diffusing eucalyptus oil for dogs.

4. Do Dogs Hate the Smell of Eucalyptus Oil?

Dogs have varying preferences when it comes to scents. Some pooches may hate the smell of eucalyptus oil while others do not.

Regardless, avoid letting your furry pal inhale diffused oils of eucalyptus as it may result in poisoning. Additionally, the oil’s fragrance might be too strong for his sensitive nose and may cause serious respiratory issues.


Is eucalyptus safe for dogs? Our concluding answer is no, it isn’t. The leaves and bark of the plant house toxins that can induce gastric issues, heart problems, and breathing problems in dogs.

Eucalyptus essential oil is bad for dogs as well since it contains high concentrations of these poisonous compounds. Inhalation, ingestion, or skin exposure to the plant’s essential oil, even in small amounts, is enough to cause severe toxicity.

Aside from eucalyptus, there are a handful of other plants that are poisonous to canines. Check out what varieties to avoid in our Plants section.