Discover the Truth: Can Dogs Really Eat Sunflower Seeds?

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The Can Dogs Eat It Team

Discover the Truth: Can Dogs Really Eat Sunflower Seeds?
Reading Time: 5 minutes

joana garridoReviewed By Joana Garrido DVM

Can dogs eat sunflower seeds? Nutrient-rich sunflower seeds make wonderful snacks for dogs. They are dense with healthy fats that promote healthy skin and coat. They also house immune system-boosting vitamins and minerals.

However, make sure that you know how to safely feed your dog sunflower seeds to avoid unwanted side effects like choking and even poisoning.

In this article, we will detail the benefits and risks of this human food to your pooch. And as you read on, you will also learn tips on how to safely prepare it for him.

Health Benefits of Feeding Sunflower Seeds to Dogs

a wooden bowl full of sunflower seeds
Are sunflower seeds good for dogs? Yes, they are! Sunflower seeds provide an extra dose of nutrients that help improve canine health in a handful of ways, such as:

1. Improving Skin and Coat Quality

Sunflower seeds are naturally rich in healthy fatty acids, which can help promote better skin and coat health in dogs.

In a 2001 study, dogs undergo 1-month supplementation with either sunflower seeds or flax seeds. There was a noticeable temporary improvement in their skin and coat for 28 days.

Researchers believe that these changes were associated with increased serum 18-carbon polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs). Although the positive effects were not sustained, it shows that sunflower seeds have a promising influence on the skin and coat of canines.

2. Supporting the Immune System

When dogs eat sunflower seeds, they gain a healthy dose of zinc and selenium. 100 grams of this human food provides nearly 80 micrograms of selenium and around 5 milligrams of zinc.

Both minerals are critical for the normal function of the immune system and the thyroid gland. Zinc is found to possess anti-inflammatory properties that help combat cell damage. Selenium, on the other hand, has anticancer properties.

Sunflower seeds contain a good amount of vitamin E as well. 100 grams holds over 25 milligrams of this nutrient. Vitamin E functions as an antioxidant that neutralizes free radicals and reduces oxidative stress in dogs.

3. Promoting Good Gut Health

Sunflower seeds are a great insoluble and soluble fibre source for dogs. For every 100 grams, they yield nearly 9 grams of total dietary fibre.

This human food acts as a wonderful prebiotic for the good gut bacteria living in your furry pal’s digestive system. The soluble fibre in sunflower seeds serves as their food, which allows them to thrive and sustain a stable population.

Risks of Feeding Sunflower Seeds to Dogs

sunflowers behind a bowl full of peeled sunflower seeds
Generally, sunflower seeds are safe for dogs to eat when prepared properly and served in small portions. If pawrents fail to follow these basics, their furry pals are at risk of the following health problems:

1. Accidental Choking and Stomach Blockage

Unshelled sunflower seeds are dangerous choking hazards for your dog. Moreover, the toughness of their shells makes them difficult to digest.

If ingested in large amounts, they can clog his stomach, which prevents him from having a bowel movement. This is an emergency that requires immediate attention.

2. Cadmium Poisoning

Sunflowers accumulate cadmium in their seeds. Although the mineral is present in small amounts, the concentration is higher compared to other foods.

Cadmium poisoning in canines rarely happens, but frequent intake of this heavy metal increases a dog’s risk of toxicity. Hence, sunflower seeds should not be a daily part of your furry pal’s meals.

3. Salmonellosis

There are many ways to prepare sunflower seeds. One of the increasingly popular methods is sprouting. Unfortunately, raw sprouted seeds are the ideal thriving ground for harmful pathogens, particularly salmonella.

To reduce this risk, look for commercially sold sprouted sunflower seeds. Choose a brand that strictly complies with the food safety standards for sprouting seeds.

4. Sodium-Related Health Issues

Most sunflower seed products are packed and sold with added salt. Their sodium content can range from 300 to over 400 milligrams per 100 grams.

Allowing your furry pal to eat salted sunflower seeds in excess makes him vulnerable to health issues such as kidney stone formation and sodium poisoning.

How to Safely Feed Your Dog Sunflower Seeds?

a wooden bowl full of peeled sunflower seeds with a huge sunflower behind it
Follow these tips to ensure that you are incorporating sunflower into your dog’s diet safely:

  • Choose raw, plain sunflower seeds to prevent high sodium intake.
  • Always go for deshelled seeds. If there are none available, you can remove the seeds by placing them in a zip-lock bag and running them over gently with a rolling pin a few times.
  • Deshelled sunflower seeds can still pose a choking hazard, especially to toy and small dog breeds. Turn them into powder for safer consumption by grinding them in a coffee grinder or blender. Sprinkle the sunflower seed powder into the dog food.
  • If you plan to feed your dog sprouted sunflower seeds, dry them at temperatures of over 122 degrees Fahrenheit. Studies show that it significantly reduced Salmonella.
  • Sunflower seeds have a high-fat content, which makes them easily go rancid. Store unused seeds in an airtight container and put them in the fridge or freezer to prevent spoilage.

How Much Sunflower Seeds Can You Give a Dog?

sunflower seeds with shells scattered on a wooden table
Feeding sparingly and in moderation is the key to helping your dog acquire the health benefits of sunflower seeds without unwanted side effects.

Here is the recommended intake of this human food according to your pet’s weight:

Dog’s WeightIdeal Intake Per Week
Below 2 to 20 pounds1 teaspoon
21 to 30 pounds2 teaspoons
31 to 50 pounds
51 to 90 pounds2 to 3 tablespoons
over 91 pounds¼ cup

FAQs About Dogs Eating Sunflower Seeds

two separate clumps of peeled and unpeeled sunflower seeds

Can Dogs Eat Sunflower Seeds With Shells?

We advise against letting dogs eat sunflower seeds with shells due to the risks of choking and stomach obstruction.

Be sure to deshell this human food before offering it to Fido. You may also blend the seeds and turn them into powder to further reduce the dangers we have mentioned earlier.

Can Dogs Eat Salted Sunflower Seeds?

Dogs can eat salted sunflower seeds, but we do not recommend it. Too much sodium intake can harm their health as it may cause ailments like kidney stones and salt poisoning.

Can Dogs Have Sunflower Seed Butter?

Dogs can have sunflower seed butter as it provides them with a wide array of nutrients, such as vitamin E, copper, manganese, and selenium.

This human food has high fat concentrations, so be sure to limit your pet’s consumption. Offer him no more than 1 teaspoon per 10 pounds of body weight.

Can Dogs Eat Sunflower Oil?

Dogs can eat sunflower oil, but in great moderation. It contains high concentrations of omega-6 fats that can contribute to body inflammation.

Check with your veterinarian before giving this human food to a pooch with inflammatory issues.


sunflower oil in a transparent bottle and in a transparent cup
Can dogs eat sunflower seeds? The final verdict is yes, but it comes with a few restrictions. Sunflower seeds are a good source of fibre, antioxidants, and healthy fatty acids that boost immune health, skin and coat quality, and digestive health.

However, take care not to feed them to your dog carelessly. Proper preparation and feeding in moderation prevent undesirable side effects like salmonellosis, choking, and sodium and cadmium poisoning.

Are you curious about other seeds that can spice up your furry pal’s meals? Visit our Nuts & Seeds section to discover more options.