Can Dogs Eat Nuts? 11 Most Popular Nuts for Dogs

Can dogs eat it

Written By: Angela Jakeson

Can Dogs Eat Nuts? 11 Most Popular Nuts for Dogs
Reading Time: 8 minutes

joana garridoReviewed By Joana Garrido DVM

Can dogs eat nuts? Yes, many nut varieties are considered dog-friendly treats when consumed in moderation. However, not all nuts are safe for dogs, as some can cause adverse effects on canine health.

We have listed 11 most popular nuts that we humans love. Read on to discover which ones should be avoided and which ones are okay to share with Fido.

What Nuts Can Dogs Eat?

Different types of nuts that dogs can eat.These nut varieties are safe snacks to share with your canine companion sparingly and in minimal quantities:

1. Can dogs eat cashews?

A heart-shaped bowl with cashews.

Cashews are nontoxic, making them safe for dogs to consume. However, feeding your furry friend cashews should be done in moderation.

Like most nuts, cashews have a high fat content, and too much consumption will lead dogs to develop a slew of health issues such as pancreatitis and obesity.

When sharing these nuts with your dog, make sure that they are not mixed with other nuts as some varieties are toxic to him.

If they contain flavoring, salt, and spices, avoid tossing even a few pieces at him. These nuts could potentially cause damage to his digestive tract, which can result in diarrhea, vomiting, and stomach pain.

Sodium toxicity, hypertension and renal problems may also occur due to their high salt content.

Read: Can Dogs Eat Cashews?

2. Can dogs eat chestnuts?

A bowl of chestnuts on a cloth surface.Chestnuts are generally safe for dogs to eat, but there are some things to keep in mind. To avoid potential health issues, it’s best to serve chestnuts plain without any added seasoning or flavoring. Additionally, raw chestnuts should be avoided due to their high levels of tannins.

While chestnuts are high in fat, they can be given to your dog in small amounts as an occasional treat. However, it’s important to remove the shells first to prevent choking and crush the nuts into smaller bits before sharing them with your pooch.

3. Can dogs eat peanuts?

A handful of nuts spread across a surface.Peanuts can be a nutritious treat for dogs as they are rich in protein, vitamins B and E, niacin, and healthy fatty acids. While there is no harm in sharing peanuts with your furry friend, it’s important to keep in mind that peanuts have a high fat content.

To avoid potential health issues, it’s best to limit the amount of peanuts your dog eats and offer them sparingly in small amounts.

Be careful what forms of peanuts you share with your dog too. Raw or roasted ones are safe as long as they are free from salt, flavoring, and spices. Always monitor your dog as he eats peanuts to prevent him from choking.

If you are thinking of giving peanut butter to Fido, make sure that it is unsweetened and unsalted.

Double-check the peanut butter’s ingredients list. It should be free of xylitol, which is a sugar substitute that is extremely poisonous to dogs.

Read: Can Dogs Eat Peanuts? How About Peanut Butter?

4. Can dogs eat pine nuts?

Pine nuts placed on a wooden surface.

Yes, pine nuts are safe for dogs to eat in moderation as an occasional treat. Dogs can benefit from the healthy fats, protein, and vitamin E found in pine nuts. These nutrients promote a healthy coat, skin, and nails in canines.

However, it must be emphasized that pine nuts are not suitable for regular consumption due to their high fat content. Excessive consumption can potentially lead to adverse health issues, such as pancreatitis, obesity, and kidney issues.

Moreover, pine nuts contain high levels of phosphorus, which can be detrimental to dogs with diagnosed or subclinical chronic kidney disease. It may also increase the risk of kidney stone formation and other urinary tract problems in dogs.

5. Can dogs eat hazelnuts?

Glass containers full of hazelnuts.Yes, hazelnuts are not toxic to dogs and can be given sparingly as an occasional treat. Dogs can benefit from the vitamin E and amino acids in hazelnuts. However, keep in mind that hazelnuts are rich in fats and high in calories, which can cause weight gain, obesity, and pancreatic issues if consumed in large quantities.

Supervision is needed when giving hazelnuts to dogs as they are a choking hazard and can potentially cause intestinal obstruction when swallowed whole.

6. Can dogs eat almonds?

An almond tag surrounded by almonds.Yes, but be cautious about what type of almond to give your dogs. The sweet almond variety is non-toxic and generally safe for dogs to eat in small quantities. However, sweet almonds can be susceptible to molds such as Aspergillus, which produces aflatoxin, a poisonous substance for dogs.

On the other hand, bitter almonds contain hydrocyanic acid (cyanide) and should never be given to dogs. Ingestion of bitter almonds can lead to poisoning.

Almonds are high in fat, so they are unhealthy for dogs. They can cause stomach irritation and digestive upset. In serious cases, pancreatitis, which is characterized by inflammation of the pancreas, may occur.

Moreover, almonds are potential choking hazards and bowel obstruction, especially for small breeds. These nuts are hard to chew and highly indigestible as well.

So, if your dog gobbles a lot of almonds, he is at great risk of experiencing stomach blockage. So, it is better to keep these nuts away from Fido.

Read: Can Dogs Eat Almonds? Is Almond Toxic for Dogs?

What Nuts Can Dogs Eat But Are Not Recommended?

7. Can dogs eat brazil nuts?

Brazil nuts spread across a wooden surface.Yes, but caution is advised. Brazil nuts are not toxic to dogs unless they are moldy. In small quantities, Brazil nuts are generally safe for dogs to eat. However, because Brazil nuts are considered one of the fattiest varieties of nuts, they’re not suitable for regular consumption.

When consumed in large quantities, Brazil nuts may lead to pancreatic disorders, stomach issues, and obesity.

8. Can dogs eat walnuts?

A basket of walnuts with a walnut cracker.

Dogs can technically eat Walnuts, but it’s not recommended due to potential health risks. The high-fat content can lead to digestive issues and pancreatitis, while the hard shell poses a choking hazard. Additionally, moldy walnuts contain toxins harmful to dogs.

Be cautious about what type of Walnuts to give your dogs. Black walnuts, and English walnuts are extremely toxic to dogs due to the substance juglone naturally produced by walnut trees. Juglone is found in the leaves, stems, and nuts themselves. Symptoms of walnut poisoning in dogs include vomiting, muscle weakness, high temperature, tremors, and seizures.

Moreover, walnuts, especially older ones, are prone to mold infestation which can produce harmful aflatoxins that are poisonous to dogs. If your dog eats walnuts, particularly black walnuts or in large quantities, watch for concerning symptoms and contact your vet immediately.

Read: Can Dogs Eat Walnuts? What to Do If My Dog Ate Walnuts

9. Can dogs eat pecans?

A close-up view of pecans.

While it’s technically possible for dogs to eat pecans, it’s not recommended. Pecans can cause digestive problems such as vomiting and diarrhea, as well as serious conditions like pancreatitis. Moreover, the hard shell of pecans presents a choking hazard and can lead to intestinal blockages.

Pecans also pose additional risks. Aspergillus mold can grow on pecans, making them unsuitable treats for dogs. Pecan trees also produce the natural toxin juglone, which can cause seizures and irrevocable damage to your pooch’s neurological system.

Pecans are loaded with unhealthy fats and are choking hazards that can cause digestive blockage. It is best to avoid feeding pecans to your dog.

Read: Can Dogs Eat Pecans? What About Pecan Pie?

10. Can dogs eat pistachios?

A wooden bowl of pistachios on a rough surface. Pistachios are not toxic to dogs, but they can pose several risks. Dogs can technically eat pistachios, but these nuts are not recommended for them.

Keep the pistachios to yourself. Its high-fat content is the least of your concerns. These nuts can be contaminated with molds, which can cause severe neurological and liver damage to your dog.

Most store-bought pistachios are unhealthy for dogs due to added flavors and high salt content. These can cause health issues in dogs, such as high blood pressure and dehydration.

Other problems that pistachios possess are the risk of choking and stomach obstruction.

Read: Can Dogs Eat Pistachios? Uncovering the Facts for Safe Feeding

What Nuts Are Dangerous to Dogs?

These nut varieties should never be fed to your furry pal as they will endanger his health:

11. Can dogs eat macadamia nuts?

Macadamia nuts spread across a wooden surface.Never feed your dog macadamia nuts. These nuts even in small amount contain toxic levels of cyanogenic glycosides.

The most common symptoms of macadamia nut toxicity are vomiting, diarrhea, and weakness of the hind legs.

If your dog shows clinical signs such as hind limb weakness, tremors, and swelling 12-24 hours after nut ingestion, it may require immediate veterinary attention. Other severe signs to watch out for include a high fever, frequent shaking, and difficulty moving around. If you notice any of these symptoms, it’s important to seek veterinary care for your dog as soon as possible.


FAQs About Safe and Dangerous Nuts for Dogs

Different types of nuts spelled nuts.

1. Is It Safe for Dogs to Eat Nuts?

Nuts are safe for dogs to eat as long as you choose canine-friendly varieties such as cashews, chestnuts, and peanuts.

Although these nuts are considered okay for your pooch, offer them in moderation as they are high-fat foods.

2. Which Nuts Are Poisonous to Dogs?

The types of nuts poisonous to dogs are macadamia nuts, black walnuts, english walnuts and bitter almonds. Do not feed them to your dog to keep him safe from the toxic risks that they pose.

3. What Should I Do If My Dog Ate Nuts?

If your dog ate canine-friendly nuts, do not panic. Most of the time, nothing disastrous will occur unless he gorged on this human food. Just watch out for stomach upset and allergic reactions.

However, if the nuts your dog ingested are of the toxic variety, seek veterinary care immediately to prevent potential health issues.

4. How Do I Know If My Dog Is Allergic to Nuts?

You will know if your dog is allergic to nuts by feeding him a small amount of nuts and observing him for a few hours if he shows any allergic reactions. However, food allergies (also called adverse food reaction or ‘AFR’) are uncommon in pets.

Skin issues such as itchiness, hives, and inflamed skin are telltale signs of a food allergy. Gastric symptoms like vomiting and diarrhea may take place too.


Nuts are not the best treats for our furry companions. Many nuts are safe for humans but dangerous for dogs, and most of them have high-fat content.

Many vets and dog experts warn pawrents that nuts should be shared with dogs with great caution, or it could result in serious repercussions.

Therefore, if you are unsure about sharing nuts with your dog, it might be a better idea to give Fido safer treats. Refer to our Fruits and Vegetables section to find healthy and dog-friendly alternatives.