Do Bed Bugs Bite Dogs? 3 Natural Ways to Protect Pets

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Do Bed Bugs Bite Dogs? 3 Natural Ways to Protect Pets
Reading Time: 8 minutes

joana garridoReviewed By Joana Garrido DVM

Do Bed Bugs Bite Dogs?: 3 Ways to Protect Your Pet from Bed Bugs Naturally

Do bed bugs bite dogs? Bed bugs primarily prefer human hosts over animals like dogs. However, this does not mean they will pass up the chance of feeding on Fido if given the opportunity.

Pawrents should be on high alert for these pests, especially now that they have gained a worldwide resurgence. Bed bugs are found all over North and South America, Africa, Asia, and Europe.

Moreover, bed bugs are present in all fifty states of the USA according to research. Thus, it is a pressing need to learn more about these pests and know how to keep them away from your canine companion.

What Are Bed Bugs?

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Bed bugs belong to the family Cimicidae, which is composed of insects that solely feed on warm-blooded animals. There are around ninety species of bed bugs, but the most common type seen worldwide is the Cimex lectularius.

Unlike fleas and ticks on dogs, these pests cannot fly or jump, but they are fast crawlers with adept hiding skills.

Bed bugs stay out of sight by concealing themselves in clothes, upholstered furniture, bedding, appliances, and even in the crevices of your home.

Since bed bugs are nocturnal insects, they rarely go out during the day and often wait until nighttime to start feeding on vulnerable hosts.

Can Bed Bugs Live on My Dog?

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Bed bugs do not live on dogs compared to common canine external parasites. They prefer to inhabit the environment than their hosts.

These insects will only stay on your dog’s body for a quick blood meal, which lasts for around five minutes for each feeding session. Then they take off to hide and appear during the next mealtime.

What Do Bed Bugs Look Like on a Dog?

Although bed bugs are small insects, they are not microscopic. On dogs, adult bed bugs appear the size of an apple seed, measuring between 1 and 7 millimeters.

They have flat, reddish brown, and oval-shaped bodies that inflate and turn bright red after feeding. They sport six legs and two antennas.

Immature bed bugs in dogs are smaller than adults and have translucent whitish yellow bodies. These traits make them more difficult to spot on dogs unless they are moving around or have recently finished feeding.

How Do Bed Bugs Get Transmitted?

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Bed bugs are commonly found in hotels, motels, and apartments, but they can proliferate in just about any place including:

  • Cruise ships
  • Public transport vehicles
  • Dormitories
  • Hospitals
  • Nursing homes

Exposure to bed bug-infested areas puts pawrents and dogs at risk of unwittingly bringing home these pests with them.

As we have mentioned, bed bugs are very skilled at hiding. They will climb on items of unsuspecting travelers such as luggage and bags. They can also hitch a ride on your furry pal’s coat or bedding.

During the trip, female bed bugs can lay around two to five eggs each day. Once they manage to infiltrate a new place through concealment, an infestation may quickly arise.

These pesky parasites are very hardy and have a lifespan ranging from ten to twelve months.

According to an experiment, they were able to survive for nearly three months without a blood meal.

If left unchecked, severe bed bug infestation may take place in your home.

Do Bed Bugs Transmit Diseases on Dogs?

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Bed bugs are not yet known to spread transmittable diseases to humans and dogs. However, their bites may potentially trigger serious allergic reactions such as anaphylactic shock in some pets.

Persistent itchiness after getting bitten is also a common issue. Dogs might continuously lick, bite, and scratch the affected area. If the skin breaks, bacteria will invade the wound and cause infections.

What Are the Signs of Bed Bugs on Dogs?

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Bed bugs are very sneaky, so they can be very difficult to catch on the act of feeding on dogs. A big indicator of their existence is their bites. Some of the common symptoms of bed bug bites include:

  • A line of red bumps in a zigzag pattern on the skin
  • Itchiness
  • Constant scratching and licking
  • Increased vocalization

Other markers signaling the presence of bed bugs in your home are:

  • A tan or translucent exoskeleton of shed skin
  • Reddish black stains of bed bug droppings
  • Red blood spots produced when eliminating
  • Sweet musty odor exuded by their bodies

If possible, take some samples to an expert so they can identify if bed bugs are truly infesting your home.

Minor bed bug infestations can be handled by DIY methods such as keeping your home neat, frequently vacuuming, and washing clothes in hot water.

However, if the infestation continues to persist, consider reaching out to a professional exterminator or a reputable pest control company for help.

3 Natural Ways to Keep Dogs Safe from Bed Bugs

Protect Fido from bed bug bites by using these natural anti-bed bug home treatments:

1. Oregano Essential Oil as a Natural Bed Bug Repellent for Dogs

do bed bugs bite dogs 1In a study, oregano essential oil boasted its ability to completely repel Cimex lectularius for up to twenty-four hours compared to a commercial insect repellent stick.

Its natural compounds, specifically EC50 and EC99, were thought to be responsible for its effective insect repellency.



  1. In a large glass spray, pour the distilled water and add thirty drops of oregano essential oil.
  2. Shake well until both ingredients are mixed thoroughly.
  3. Spritz this anti-bed bug spray on your dog’s coat. Massage it on his body until absorbed.
  4. You can also use this homemade bed bug repellent on your furry pal’s bedding and blankets.

Additional information

  • Oregano essential oil has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory abilities that are useful for remedying skin conditions in dogs.
  • It can be applied to the ears of pooches to treat ear infections.


  • Avoid applying the homemade bed bug repellent on sensitive areas of your dog’s body such as the face, ears, and genitals.
  • Take care not to leave residues of the repellent on his coat to prevent the risk of toxicity. So make sure to massage it to his fur thoroughly.
  • Do not spray the anti-bed bug repellent on your dog’s toys as he might ingest it.

2. Arugula as a Natural Bed Bug Insecticide for Dogs

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Arugula is one of the plants in an experiment that managed to eliminate adult Cimex lectularius.

According to the results, 0.8 mg/ml of arugula leaf extract induced a mortality percentage of 53.74% within twenty-four hours. After seventy-two hours, the plant’s leaf extract achieved a 71.23% mortality percentage.


  1. Fill a large basin with hot water, preferably with a temperature of 140 degrees Fahrenheit.
  2. Place five dozen of arugula leaves inside the basin. Allow them to steep for about five minutes.
  3. Use this water to wash clothes, bedding, and upholstery for an hour in the washing machine.
  4. Once done, transfer the clothes to the dryer. Use the highest heat setting for thirty minutes.

Nutritional information

  • High levels of vitamin A, lutein, and zeaxanthin are found in arugula, which promote clear eyesight in dogs.
  • Arugula provides an additional dose of calcium and potassium, which are beneficial for keeping your dog’s bones strong.

3. Diatomaceous Earth as a Natural Bed Bug Insecticide for Dogs

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In an experiment, diatomaceous earth (DE) was observed to dry out the waxy surface of adult and immature bed bugs. It prevented them from maintaining normal moisture levels, which led to dehydration and death.

Another study notes that bed bugs contaminated with DE spread this natural insecticide to unexposed bed bugs by coming into contact with them. It helps increase the mortality rate of DE.


  1. DE comes in different types. Choose the food-grade variety since it is safer to use around humans and pets due to its low crystalline silica content.
  2. Make sure to place your dog in a separate room before treating affected areas in your home with DE. Do this to prevent him from inhaling the powder, which can irritate his lungs.
  3. Apply DE in the areas of the room where you can commonly find bed bugs such as:
  • Floor
  • Carpet
  • Furniture
  • Legs of the bed
  • Bed frame corners
  • Box springs
  • Windowsills and doorframes
  • Cracks and crevices in the room
  1. Vacuum and reapply this natural bed bug insecticide every seven days.
  2. Empty the contents in the vacuum in a trash bag. Make sure to tie it firmly before taking it out.
  3. Repeat this method for up to a month and a half to get significant results.


  • Do not use pool or garden-grade DE as it has high levels of crystalline silica, which makes it toxic to both humans and animals.
  • Inhaling DE for long periods can cause respiratory issues. Always wear gloves and a mask when using this natural bed bug insecticide.
  • We recommend using a vacuum with HEPA filters to prevent DE powder from scattering into the air when vacuuming.
  • DE is a slow-acting insecticide. It takes around seven to ten days to take effect, so do not solely rely on it to eliminate bed bugs. It is best to combine it with other anti-bed bug methods.

FAQs About Bed Bugs on Dogs

1. Do Bed Bugs Prefer Humans or Dogs?

Bed bugs prefer humans as their main hosts. However, they are not averse to feeding on other warm-blooded animals like dogs. So if your home is infested with bed bugs, your pooch is not safe from their itchy bites.

2. How Can You Tell If Your Dog Has Bed Bugs?

You can tell if your dog has bed bugs if he has the bite marks of these bloodsuckers. Look for inflamed and swollen areas of the skin. They usually form a line in zigzag patterns.

3. Where Do Bed Bugs Bite Dogs?

Bed bugs prefer to bite dogs in areas with less hair for easier feeding. If you suspect there is a bed bug infestation in your home, check your dog’s belly and limbs for bites.

4. Do Bed Bugs Lay Eggs on Dogs?

Bed bugs do not breed nor lay eggs on dogs. You are more likely to find them on your furry pal’s bedding, blankets, and other items. Always take time to inspect them for eggs and adult bed bugs to prevent a full-blown infestation.


Bed bugs mainly feed on humans. However, they can get their blood meal from other warm-blooded animals too like dogs.

Although bed bugs are not disease-carrying insects, they can still cause health issues like allergic reactions and secondary skin infections.

Keep your dog protected from bug bites using homemade repellent sprays made from oregano essential oil and natural insecticides such as arugula and diatomaceous earth.

Insect bites, especially the one from bed bugs, can cause excessive itchiness in dogs. Our article 3 Natural Ways To Treat Insect Bites on Dogs will teach you how you can soothe them at home.