Can Dogs Eat Melon?

Can dogs eat it

Written By: Angela Jakeson

Can Dogs Eat Melon?
Reading Time: 6 minutes

Can dogs eat melon? Yes, they can! Melon is a refreshing and hydrating fruit that can help a dog to cool down on a hot summer day. Melon also packs a solid punch of nutrients that can help regulate dogs’ blood circulation, improve digestion, and offer other bunch of health benefits.

We have listed down the 6 most common types of melon that you can easily find on the supermarket shelves and their health benefits for dogs. Read on to learn how to prepare them safely for Fido.

6 Melons and Their Health Benefits for Dogs

Types of melons that dogs can eatAre you looking for fruits that you can use as healthy dog treats? Here are the different types of melons your dog can snack on:

1. Cantaloupe

Slices of cantaloupe spread out on a wooden board.This type of melon is laden with vitamins A, B, and C. Cantaloupe also contains antioxidants, folic acid, and dietary fiber.

These nutrients are good for your dog’s immune system and digestive health. So we can safely say that dogs can eat cantaloupe due to its nutritious contents.

When choosing a cantaloupe for your dog, note that the riper the fruit is, the higher the sugar content. In this case, feed your dog less cantaloupe.

2. Watermelon

Slices of watermelon displayed on a white plate.Another melon type is watermelon, which is loaded with lycopene. It is an antioxidant that helps prevent cancer.

The fruit is also a good source of vitamin A, vitamin B6, and vitamin C. Watermelon is low in sodium, calories, fats, and cholesterol.

Like most fruits, watermelon contains sugar. However, its fiber content envelops the sugar, slowing down its release into the bloodstream.

3. Honeydew Melon

Slices of honeydew melon and a whole honeydew melon. This melon is good for dogs. Honeydew melon has vitamins B and C and potassium. It has traces of copper and iron. These minerals aid in the production of healthy red blood cells.

Honeydew melon has higher sugar content levels than cantaloupe and watermelon; thus, it should be served in smaller amounts.

4. Muskmelon

Slices of muskmelon.Muskmelon is also rich in vitamins A, C, and beta-carotene. It possesses collagen, which can improve your dog’s coat and keep his skin healthy. Compared to honeydew melon, this fruit has lower sugar content.

5. Galia Melon

Slices of galia melon.This type of melon is a hybrid between cantaloupe and honeydew. It is a good source of carotenoids, bioflavonoids, and vitamins A and C.

Galia melon is full of potassium, calcium, and iron. It is low in calories and contains zero fat and cholesterol.

6. Sweet Snowball Melon

This melon type is commonly known as Gaya melon. This fruit contains vitamins and minerals, which are essential for proper bone growth. These include vitamin K, folate, and magnesium.

Sweet snowball melon is also a low-calorie snack suitable for obese dogs. One whole Gaya melon only contains around 110 calories.

What Parts of Melon Should You Keep Away from Fido?

Slices of watermelon and seeds scattered on a white surface.While melon is technically safe for dogs to consume, there are some parts that you should avoid. These parts can potentially cause severe injuries and illnesses to your dog.

Can dogs eat melon rind?

Avoid feeding your dog melon rind since it has a tough exterior. If consumed, it can lead to choking and indigestion. In severe cases, impaction may occur as your dog’s digestive tract will fail to break down the melon rind.

The melon rind may contain bacteria, so avoid letting your dog lick this part. For instance, cantaloupe rinds are prone to salmonella contamination.

Since the melon is grown on the ground and its exterior contains fissures, it is very easy for bacteria to stick on the rind. So always make sure to remove the rinds to keep your furry friend safe from these health risks.

Can dogs eat melon seeds?

A melon sliced in half and its seeds are shown.Melon seeds are not toxic to dogs, unlike apple and cherry seeds. However, they are hard to digest. Ingesting 1–2 seeds is relatively safe. However, eating excessive amounts can lead to stomach obstruction.

Small dogs are more vulnerable to this health condition than their larger counterparts. That is because they have smaller stomachs.

Melon seeds are choking hazards as well. They are also difficult to chew and may cause dental injuries on Fido, including cracked teeth. Make sure to get rid of all the seeds before serving the fruit to your dog.

How About Melon Shakes and Smoothies?

Two glasses of watermelon and melon shakes and their fruit slices.Feeding your dog melon shakes or smoothies is discouraged. These drinks usually contain milk, which can cause digestive problems. Most dogs are lactose-intolerant as their bodies produce low amounts of lactase.

Melon shakes and smoothies often have high amounts of sugar as well. As a result, it contributes to the development of health problems like obesity and diabetes.

A Little Reminder before Feeding Melon to Your Dog

Every dog has different dietary needs. Melon may not provide the essential nutrients that some canines need.

Moreover, certain medical conditions can lead to diet restrictions. For example, obese and diabetic dogs should avoid consuming sugary food like melons.

So, before adding melon to your pet’s dog food or using it as a treat, consult the vet first. They will ensure that melon is suitable for his nutritional needs and has little to no negative side effects on his health.

How Much Melon Can Dogs Eat?

Different types of melons that dogs can eat. When feeding your dog melon, moderation is key. Although the fruit is good for our furry pals, allowing them to consume too much can result in health problems. You can share 3–4 bite-size pieces with your dog.

Melon contains dietary fiber, which is great for your dog’s digestion. However, ingesting it in excessive amounts can lead to an upset stomach. As a result, he may experience vomiting, indigestion, and diarrhea.

Melon is mostly composed of water, which aids in hydrating your dog. However, melon should never be served as a substitute for fresh water.

Do not forget that melon is high in sugar. If you do not want your dog to suffer from obesity or diabetes, do not make it a habit to feed him this fruit frequently.

Dogs have sensitive stomachs, and they do not take sudden diet changes well. So if it is your furry buddy’s first time eating melon, lower the amount to 1–2 pieces.

Can Melon Treat Inflammation in Dogs?

Melon is full of vitamins and minerals as well as antioxidants. Some believe that these soothe inflamed tissues and muscles in dogs. However, more research is necessary to prove these claims.

How to Serve Melon to Your Dog

Different sizes of ripe melons for dogs.Here are a few reminders when preparing melon for your dog:

  1. When feeding melons to dogs, choose an organically grown one. It has less exposure to toxic substances like fertilizers and pesticides, making it a safer option for your pooch.
  2. Wash and scrub the melon’s exterior thoroughly. Doing so will get rid of any harmful chemicals and bacteria.
  3. Remove the melon’s rind and seeds. Once you are done, double-check and make sure there are none of them left on the fruit.
  4. Cut the melon into 1 to 2-inch-thick pieces and serve them to your dog. You can also freeze them as a delicious dog treat for hot days.

Homemade Melon Dog Treats

A dog loves a tasty cold treat, especially on a hot summer’s day. Transform a nutritious melon into a mouthwatering dog treat with the help of this recipe:

A bowl of vanilla ice cream topped with pieces of melon.

dog treat recipesFrozen Cucumber-Melon Cubes


  • 1.5 cup cucumber (about 1 medium cucumber)
  • 1.5 cup honeydew melon (you may use other types of melons as a substitute)
  • 1 cup low-fat yogurt (substitute with plain Greek yogurt if possible)


  1. Cut the cucumber into small pieces. There is no need to remove the skin so long as you wash it thoroughly.
  2. Remove the honeydew melon’s rind and seeds. Then cut it into smaller cubes. Make sure that you have about 1 ½–2 cups of the fruit.
  3. Place 1 ½ cups of cucumber and 1 ½ cups of honeydew melon in a blender.
  4. Pour 1 cup of yogurt into the blender.
  5. Blend ingredients together for 30–60 seconds.
  6. Pour the mixture into a measuring cup and then into silicone dog treat molds.
  7. Freeze for about 3–4 hours and serve them to your dog.