Can Dogs Eat Eggs? Are Eggs Good for Dogs?

Can dogs eat it

Written By: Angela Jakeson

Can Dogs Eat Eggs? Are Eggs Good for Dogs?
Reading Time: 7 minutes

Yes, dogs can eat eggs. Eggs are a good source of high-quality protein, amino acids, carotenoids, iron, and other nutrients, making them a nutritious treat for dogs. However, there is a chance of an allergic reaction, digestive difficulties, and other health issues if eggs are served to a dog carelessly.

Here are some important things pet owners should know about feeding eggs to dogs.

Are eggs good for dogs?

Organic eggs drawn with cartoon faces.Eggs are considered a superfood; that’s why many dog owners add eggs to their dogs’ diets. Feeding eggs is good for dogs due to the high digestible protein level, which is essential to dogs’ health, especially active breeds. These proteins are responsible for muscle development and repair.

Eggs: a source of vitamins and minerals:

  • Fatty acids
  • Amino acids
  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin D
  • Vitamin E
  • Riboflavin
  • Folate
  • Iron
  • Selenium
  • Zinc
  • Copper

Can dogs have eggs?

A glass bowl filled with eggs. Dogs can eat eggs, but not if your dog has a food allergy. Eggs are one of the most common triggers of allergic reactions in dogs. Other prevalent food allergens are fish, soy, chicken, lamb, pork, dairy, and beef.

The immune system’s overreaction causes food allergies. In the case of egg allergy, the immune system mistakenly identifies egg proteins as harmful. If it’s your dog’s first time eating an egg, be careful about how much you allow him to eat.

Give your dog small pieces only to avoid severe allergic reactions. Keep an eye on him after he finishes eating. Check for any signs of allergies, such as:

  • Itchiness
  • Upset stomach
  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • Dry and reddish skin

If your dog exhibits these symptoms, stop feeding him eggs and bring him to the vet immediately. He will be subjected to a few tests for diagnosis. If eggs did cause the symptoms, the vet would likely advise you to keep them out of your dog’s meals.

How many eggs can a dog eat in a day?

Different types of eggs filling up a blue bowl.Large dogs can have up to 1 whole egg a day. Smaller dogs will need to consume lesser amounts of eggs, so half an egg per day will do.

Although eggs are packed with essential nutrients, they contain relatively high levels of calories. One egg contains approximately 50-70 calories. If dogs feast on too many eggs, health problems may plague them. Overconsumption of eggs can lead to digestive upset and excessive weight gain.

Can dogs eat raw eggs?

A raw egg in a ceramic bowl.Your dog can benefit from eating raw eggs as it contains more nutrients than cooked ones. Before you feed raw eggs to your dog, here are a few things you should know:


Dogs are at risk of contracting salmonella from raw, unpasteurized eggs. This can be alarming to dog owners as the bacteria can be passed on to humans as well.

However, dogs with a healthy immune system rarely catch salmonella. Their short digestive tract and highly acidic stomach also prevent the build-up of salmonella infection.

Dogs with weak immune systems, such as puppies, senior dogs, and immunocompromised dogs, are more vulnerable to catching the bacteria.

You can do a few things to reduce the risk of salmonella. Get your eggs from trusted suppliers of organic and free-range eggs. Be sure to store them properly in a clean and cool place. Doing these will keep bacteria at an average level.

It is always best to be on the lookout for symptoms of salmonellosis. The most common symptoms are vomiting, fever, diarrhea, appetite loss, and decreased energy. If your dog shows these symptoms, bring him to the vet immediately.

Biotin Deficiency

Biotin is a vitamin that aids in maintaining healthy cells, digestion, metabolism, and skin function. Feeding your dog raw egg whites prevents biotin absorption in your dog’s body. This is because it possesses an enzyme that restrains biotin. As a result, this causes biotin deficiency in dogs.

Similar to salmonella, biotin deficiency rarely occurs in healthy dogs. Meanwhile, puppies and senior dogs are more likely to develop this condition.

It takes excessive egg consumption to cause biotin deficiency. Therefore, always keep in mind to feed your dog eggs in moderation.

Can dogs eat fried eggs?

Three seasoned fried eggs in a pan.Yes, dogs can eat fried eggs, but frying is not the healthiest way to prepare them. Eating fried eggs will not cause any serious harm to your dog. However, the added oil or fats are unnecessary.

Can dogs eat scrambled eggs?

Scrambled eggs in a pan.It depends on how you cook the scrambled eggs. Serving plain scrambled eggs to dogs is recommended. Do not use any additional ingredients as they can be unhealthy or toxic for them. For instance, some prefer to add butter or use oil when cooking scrambled eggs.

Oil and fats contribute to the development of diseases such as pancreatitis. Use a non-stick pan instead of using oil.

Skip the salt, spices, and other ingredients that may be harmful to your dog. Keep out the onions, garlic, chives, avocados, and raisins from your scrambled egg recipe as well.

Can dogs eat boiled eggs?

A cracked, boiled egg.Hard-boiled eggs are safe for your dog. It is one of the easiest ways to feed him eggs. However, keep in mind that cooking eggs will lower their nutritional content. That’s because boiling dissolves water-soluble vitamins and enzymes. Feed boiled eggs in small amounts to your furry friend.

Can dogs eat duck eggs?

A cracked duck egg surrounded by three uncracked duck eggs.Duck eggs have higher levels of protein and vitamins than chicken eggs. However, on the downside, duck eggs have a much higher fat and cholesterol content. Nevertheless, you can feed them to your dog but do so in moderation to avoid health problems such as hypertension and obesity.

Can dogs eat goose eggs?

Five goose eggs in a nest.Compared to a chicken egg, a goose egg is packed with more vitamins A, D, and E and B-vitamins. It is also a good protein source. With that said, serve goose eggs sparingly. Although it is high in healthy fats, it is also loaded with saturated fats and calories.

Can dogs eat quail eggs?

Seven pieces of quail eggs.Quail eggs offer several health benefits for dogs. They are packed with nutrients, protein, and antioxidants. Since quail eggs have low glycemic properties, they regulate blood sugar and prevent sudden blood sugar spikes. Keep in mind that quail eggs have high fat and calorie content, so serve them to your dog sparingly.

Can dogs eat ostrich eggs?

An ostrich egg being held by a person.Ostrich eggs are a good source of B-vitamins, including B12, folic acid, and riboflavin. They are rich in minerals, including calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, and zinc. Another wonderful thing about ostrich eggs is that they are low in sodium.

Ostrich eggs are a good treat for dogs with kidney problems. Ostrich eggs are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which promote a shiny coat and healthy skin.

However, before giving them to Fido, be aware of the ostrich eggs’ drawbacks. Ostrich eggs are composed of 45% fat and contain around 2,000 calories. So, if you share them with Fido, do so in very small amounts.

Can dogs eat salted eggs?

Three salted eggs.Salted eggs are not recommended for dogs because of their high sodium levels. The advised daily sodium intake for dogs weighing 15 kilos is 100 milligrams. The sodium content of salted eggs is high—over 350 milligrams.

Feasting on salted eggs can have a debilitating effect on the dogs’ heart, kidneys, and other body organs.

Can dogs eat fermented eggs?

Fermented eggs still covered with mud.No, the traditional method of fermenting eggs uses heavy metal lead and salt. Fermented eggs are not recommended to be fed to dogs.

Can dogs eat pickled eggs?

Fermented eggs placed inside a glass pitcher. Pickled eggs are good for dogs as they are rich in vitamins A, C, and K as well as phosphorus, manganese, and magnesium. Always check the ingredients list of pickled eggs. Avoid those containing spices, including garlic, nutmeg, and onions, since they are toxic to dogs.

Can dogs eat eggshells?

Organic eggshells Aside from the egg yolk and egg white, dogs can eat eggshells. They are a good source of calcium and protein. Just make sure to avoid feeding your dog sharp shell fragments. This is a dangerous choking hazard that can also lacerate the insides of the mouth.

So, be sure to grind eggshells until they turn into powder. Then, you can sprinkle and mix it with your dog’s food. Below is a guide that you can follow to make your powdered eggshell:

Step 1: Wash the eggs first; once cracked, keep the membrane.
Step 2: Place the broken pieces of eggshells on a baking tray. Bake them in the oven at 200F degrees for about 10 to 15 minutes. The heat will eliminate any harmful pathogens on the eggshells.
Step 3: You may use a mortar and pestle, a blender, or a coffee grinder to grind the eggshell into a fine powder. Double-check for sharp pieces of eggshells.
Step 4: Mix 1/2 teaspoon powdered eggshell with every pound of fresh food.
Step 5: Place it in an airtight container and store it in the fridge.

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